Infrastructure and Data Center for tailor-made services

Our support at your disposal.

With over 4,000 cloud servers, more than 1,000 managed physical servers, and over 12 PB of stored data, Criticalcase has earned the trust of more than 3,000 clients who have chosen to rely on an infrastructure capable of delivering tailor-made solutions that combine optimized performance, scalability, cost efficiency, continuous qualified support, and security. A high-performance cloud service for system integrators, web agencies, software houses, resellers, and companies aiming to strengthen their online presence.

Criticalcase infrastructure

Criticalcase offers its services through an robust infrastructure, geodistributed across Italy and Europe, ensuring extremely low network latencies via Tier IV certified ISO 27001 and 9001 data centers, with an SLA of 99.99%. A comprehensive solution for those seeking competitive performance, service continuity under any conditions, security and compliance with national and international regulations on data storage and processing.

Virtual Datacenter

A tailored set of services focused on reliability and customization, guaranteeing significant savings. Featuring customizable Linux and Windows cloud servers, flat datacenter bandwidth, and additional virtual resources that maximize performance while minimizing costs, Criticalcase’s Cloud offering is flexible and scalable in real-time, according to specific business needs.

Managed Cloud

No limits on either customization or platform. Criticalcase’s Managed Cloud offering is always comprehensive and tailored, regardless of the chosen solution, whether based on Public, Private, Hybrid, or Multi-Cloud environments. The management of every aspect of hosting, servers, and entire infrastructures also extends to third-party services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, ensuring full compatibility with software like Ansible, SaltStack, Terraform, and more, for the creation of Infrastructures-as-Code (IaCs).

IT Outsourcing

The most innovative technologies on the market and specialized IT support to maximize the benefits of IT process outsourcing. Criticalcase is an MSP (Managed Service Provider) for companies across all sectors, freeing them from the complexities of managing technical infrastructure, allowing more time and resources to focus on creative tasks and productivity.

Cloud Migration

Technical support available 24/7 for rapidly migrating hosting environments and servers to a dedicated and secure Cloud infrastructure. Criticalcase ensures a smooth and seamless transition from on-premise configurations, allowing clients to reduce investments in hardware and software while delegating responsibilities for maintenance, monitoring, updates, and security. No hidden costs, thanks to pay-per-use pricing.

DR & Business Continuity

Disaster Recovery solutions and a Business Continuity service to quickly resolve any issues related to data recovery and service continuity. Criticalcase’s offering is built on two key strengths: a proprietary multi-data center infrastructure and partnerships with platforms like Nakivo and Veeam, which are industry standards for self-managed backups and customized Disaster Recovery based on specific business needs.

Data Center Consolidation

Criticalcase offers advanced solutions to manage processes, services, and communications with the goal of maximizing performance, reducing costs, and offloading complexities that can hinder business growth. A provider service, capable of supporting any company in the design and implementation of virtualization and storage-system-optimization technologies, integration of cloud- and on-premise-services, and development of new solutions aimed at data centers’ consolidation.

Protecting Data & Backup

In a context where business decisions are increasingly data-driven, security is a fundamental aspect regardless of a company’s size. For this reason, Criticalcase offers customizable backup services, allowing companies to define different levels of detail based on their specific needs. These solutions enable the replication of entire Virtual Machines to speed up infrastructure transitions, while also providing tailored scheduling, storage services, and continuous monitoring of backup processes.

Dedicated Enterprise Hosting

A comprehensive cloud hosting service for websites and web apps, regardless of their complexity or the volumes handled. Criticalcase’s tailor-made offering features advanced virtualization systems, delivering performances, along with flexibility and scalability, which are unparalleled in the industry. Powered by Kubify, a platform leveraging container orchestration with Kubernetes, Criticalcase’s cloud hosting service can be set either as a fully-managed service or autonomously, depending on the client’s needs.

Distributed Colocation

Housing e Colocation services are available to all companies looking to rent space and eliminate the need to manage their own data center internally. Criticalcase guarantees space optimization, dedicated bandwidth, and solutions for allocation, power supply, and connectivity managed directly by the provider. All of this without ever losing full control of the infrastructure, and with the security of a service delivered and managed in Italian and European data centers, protected by fire prevention systems.

Highly qualified monitoring and support 24/7/365

Best-in-class technologies and partners

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