Cloud & Multi-Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Our technical support is always at your disposal

Cost savings, flexibility, unlimited scalability, reduced time to market and IT release times:

these are the main benefits of adopting a high-performance Cloud Strategy.

Why a single data management platform can benefit organizations

In a world characterized by unprecedented levels of complexity, having a single data management platform that can operate across all data source environments and provide unified governance is a major advantage for organizations. A single data management platform across multiple cloud providers prevents lock-in and makes it easy to run differentiated workloads in the most appropriate cloud environments for the business. An integrated suite of analytics and data management tools in a single platform enables cost-effective delivery of complex and multiple use cases, thereby reducing overall TCO.

Why you should choose Criticalcase Cloud and Multi-Hybrid Cloud Solutions


Criticalcase follows and supports its customers in the definition of the best performing and forward-looking Cloud Strategy, in the architecture design, in the migration of workloads to the Cloud, in the Cloud Native Application Development and in the governance of the implemented Cloud solutions, ensuring a 24 hours continuous assistance of highly qualified professionals.

Criticalcase accompanies its customers in defining, implementing and managing the infrastructure environment best suited to the specific needs of agility, scalability, workloads and compliance requirements.

In Technology Research Facility: Chief Engineer Stands in the Middle of the Lab and Uses Tablet Computer. Team of Industrial Engineers, Developers Work on Engine Design Use Digital Whiteboard and Computers

Criticalcase provides its customers with the experience gained over the years in Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and many other players in the Cloud industry, ensuring competence and independence at every stage of the strategy, in the best interest of the customer: from definition to implementation, with the traditional tailor made approach and a constant support service provided by highly qualified personnel.

The Criticalcase offer also includes the management of IT environments and Cloud infrastructures, the automation of traditional managed services and business services such as administration, marketing, advertising or human resources management.

Criticalcase benefits

Security & Privacy

Cost savings







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