Data as the basis for the new digital era: what are the implications?
Digital transformation is changing deeply the society and our lives. Transformation processes involve everything about our existence: from media, to industrial systems, to transports, to environment.
Technological innovation imposes new paradigms based on data collection and elaboration, data that have become essential for the global economy. The importance of data is bound to expand even more with the increasing development of Internet Of Things, robotics and augmented reality, technologies that generate a level of data use never seen before.

What’s happening about privacy?
The growth of technology is a basic requirement to make companies competitive on the market and to improve people’s quality of life. But the progress calls into question consolidated systems and raises several issues, including the privacy problem.
In a constantly evolving world, based on the collection, elaboration, instant transmission and re-use of data, how can individuals and enterprises protect themselves from risks?
Data represent a projection of people and companies and so our vulnerability is increased and we are exposed to new dangers. Indeed, if from a side the provision of data by users and businesses grows, from the other side is raising the need of a better control on information, linked to the necessity of defending from criminal and terrorism threats with specific security measures.
In this new scenario comes out the need of supervising the use of data. From 27th of April 2016 in Europe has been introduced the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR), a new law to regulate the monitoring of data and to protect the privacy of people and companies. In the next article we will talk about this legislation, so keep following us for more details!
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