


Technology is constantly evolving and firms need to keep pace with changes to survive on the market, day by day. Those challenges about the latest technology, add up significant costs for companies. Each new technology needs to be managed by specialised staff, which must be hired and then trained, as well as proper infrastructures and devices. Managed services can help a lot businesses, bringing several benefits in terms of cost optimization, improvement of processes, technical support and many more.

Indeed, managed services offer an IT holistic approach and a high-level expertise which is difficult to achieve in-house. In the following lines we will see why you should use Managed Services for your business: we have identified 8 key advantages for companies who choose IT fully managed solutions.

1. High scalability
With the growth of your business you need greater technical support and proper IT solutions. The assistance must be able to keep pace with the development of your business and support it with effective processes and services. Managed services help you to get high scalable solutions and expert staff to go hand-in-hand with the company evolution. In addition, you can reduce resources when you don’t need them anymore and increase them when there are peaks of traffic, according to your requirements.

2. More time to focus on core business
With the outsourcing model, your team will be free to focus on core business, including innovative and strategic projects. At the same time, you can trust external provider’s technical professionals for temporary or less important projects and keep internal employees for priority tasks. Essentially, with managed services you can focus more on the growth and innovation of your business and don’t waste time on secondary activities.

3. IT streamlined processes
Managed service providers will supply to your company streamlined and effective processes, by helping you to save time. Any emerging issue will be solved immediately by the external IT staff, thanks to a technical team dedicated to your business. No more waiting, but fast processes and problems solved rapidly.

4. Reduction of labour costs
Another benefit of managed services is the reduction of labour costs. From one side you will not pay additional benefits to your employees. From the other side, you will save money on special training for your staff.

5. H24 support
With Managed services you will have h24 technical support, available every day of the year. That kind of assistance is impossible with an IT in-house department, while providers have the possibility of acting remotely in real time, in any moment and from anywhere.

6. Control and reduction of cost
IT vendors provide insights on possible issues which could hinder the efficiency of activities, giving you a greater control on business operations and helping you to optimize costs. In short, managed services allow you to minimize unexpected costs and reallocate budgets on whatever you think may need it.

7. High-level expertise
With IT outsourcing, you can benefit of high-level professionals with senior experience. You don’t have to choose the kind of employee to be hired, but you will have at your disposal specialist of any technology and level which could monitor the project according to your business needs.

8. Security and compliance increased
Make sure you are in compliance with regulations has its cost and it’s not so easy. Managed services ensure the respect of local laws and increase the level of security, by using specific tool and security controls. You should know that the loss of data by accident can compromise a company survival, as well as damage the business image and reputation. With the help of the IT provider you can protect corporate data and secure the entire information system easily.

Now that you know the importance of Manged Services, how can you do without? Request now a free consulting with our experts!


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Have a backup strategy is very important for every kind of business, including the smallest. The information stored in the IT system are crucial to keep your firm on the market. Imagine what would happen if you lose your customers data, or information about payments or accounts: it would be tragic for your company! In this post we will see how to define a good backup strategy to keep your business and its future safe and sound.

Why a backup strategy is essential for your business?

Data backup is essential because you will never know when something will happen that threatens your data and your company’s survival. Let’s see some examples.

  • Did you know that the Pixar almost abandon the “Toy Story 2” movie for a human error? Accidentally an employee cancelled a year of work in just 20 seconds by entering a wrong server command. The Disney team found out in that moment that backups had been failing, but no one had noticed it. Thankfully, a supervisor had saved those files on a personal computer, and the movie was saved.
  • We are talking about a photographer and its last work, a wedding. The photographer transferred all the event’s photographs on his computer and reformatted the memory card of the camera for the next job. The hard disk of his personal computer failed, and he lost all the photos. What will happen to his professional career?

Data loss can happen for many different reasons: hardware failures, natural disasters, human errors. So you’d be better to have a security plan to protect your business data.

4 steps to define your backup strategy

1. Identify which data need a backup protection
It may seem easy, but it’s not. Think about where your data are stored: laptops, on-premise servers, data center servers? If you have employees, maybe there are many places in which your information are stored, for instance:

    • File servers
    • Local drives of employees
    • USB drives of employees
    • Laptops

First of all, try to understand where are the data and which need to be backed up.


2. Define your backup goal and method
Different backup strategies support different goals. Your business may need backup to restore data fastly or to maintain business operations. You can also decide where allocate the backup system. You can choose Cloud or on-premise storage systems. The best backup strategy is use a hybrid architecture to ensure the maximum security and data protection. In addition, there are two main backup methods, based on file-level or image-level. The second one is useful when you need to restore the entire system because it’s faster.

3. Consider what your are protecting your business against
You may need to be protected from possible errors of your employees, as the deletion of important files. You should protect your business from data loss caused by possible natural disasters, too. In that case, if the backup server is in your office, business data would be surely lost. Would happen the same in case of fire. You should consider all these options to choose the right backup strategy for your business.

4. Develop your backup strategy
And finally, you are ready to develop your own backup strategy. Thanks to the collection of information in the previous steps and to the decision made about the best goals, places and methods to store your business data, now you can carry out your backup system. You just need to find a backup service provider, which can help you to get the best backup strategy easily and efficiently.

Do you need more information about our backup solutionsReserve now a free consulting with our experts and choose the right strategy for your business!


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In the last decade the Cloud played a leading role in the IT scenario, by increasingly contributing to the technological innovation of businesses and the corporate IT transformation. If at the beginning many were skeptical about moving their processes and applications to the Cloud, now the use of Cloud Computing services appears to be a standard. According to the statistics of Osservatorio Cloud Transformation of School of Management of Milan Politecnico, 82% of medium-large enterprises in Italy uses at least a Public Cloud service. The data show that the companies made the Cloud an integral part of their IT strategy: 25% consider it the favourite solution for new projects, 6% even the only choice. But the Cloud has still a lot to give to business. Trends about the new year confirm it widely, by highlighting the technological issues and opportunities of innovation for enterprises connected to the adoption of the latest Cloud solutions.

1. Multi-Cloud approach: 2018 vs 2019
If 2018 was the year when Multi-Cloud become mainstream, 2019 is the year when Multi-Cloud strategies grow. The use of Multi-Cloud approach by firms will be soon a “must have” to get a competitive advantage and being up-to-date with the market. But let’s back up. What does Multi-Cloud mean? That solution doesn’t use just one Cloud model, for instance Public Cloud or private Cloud, but uses different services and eventually different providers, according to the specific business needs. The future is focused on applications and users demand speed and high performances. A standard solution can’t no longer meet those challenges and each company needs its own custom Cloud ecosystem.

2. 80% of processes move to Cloud
As said above, until recently the scepticism about migration of Information Systems to Cloud was very strong. The reasons for it were a lack of confidence about the security of data and processes and the traditional resistance to change. Nowadays, data show that in the following years 80% of business processes will move to the Cloud, but not only that. Studies say that there is another trend connected to the Cloud migration. Indeed, many companies refactoring their on-premise infrastructures to move them easily to Cloud-native environments.

3. Artificial Intelligence in embedded systems
Artificial Intelligence starts to be embedded in all next-gen applications, by improving systems and processes efficiency. Thanks to the large amount of data at our disposal and the growth of Artificial intelligence’s use to analyze them, is estimated that the businesses productivity will be increased a lot. Together with A.I., other emerging technologies are increasingly growing and help to improve the flexibility and efficiency of systems, like machine learning, serverless computing and augmented reality.

4. 70% of IT functions will be automated
In 2019 automation becomes a keyword. 70% of IT functions will be automated as well as the most of customer care activities that will be managed by chatbot and Artifical Intelligence in a total automated way. In addition, 50% of data will be managed with automated processes. Technical staff can do without performing many routine activies, still necessary, as self-patching, tuning, and very soon also activities related to the availability and SLA , and they will have more time for business development.

5. Containers: Kubernetes on the front line
Already in 2018 Containers had a great role in the Cloud world. They are Cloud-native systems which for their specific features will be increasingly popular as enterprise technology. Containers are able to provide high-level performance, flexibility and scalability, greater security and SLA, and they perfectly suit to any kind of environment. Thanks to those peculiarities they are the ideal system to integrate with Multi-Cloud strategies. Among different Container technologies, Kubernetes is on the front line and represents the most popular model of Cloud Containers orchestration and management at global level.

6. New technical skill needed
The trends create a gap between the skill of providers and businesses IT teams and the ones needed to implement the latest strategies and manage Cloud-native architectures. Thus arise the necessity of training technical staff with up-to-date skills and hire new job figures according to the latest market parameters (for instance Cloud security Specialist or Cloud Architect) to shape the companies of the future.


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Are you ready for a new business?

Cloud Computing world is constantly growing. Nowadays, most companies use Cloud solutions to manage IT level, by taking advantage of the several benefits of Cloud technology.

Studies about IT trends say that who is still not using Cloud will do it very soon. If your companies is one of those, find out with us the benefits of Criticalcase Partner Program and start to provide Cloud solutions to expand your business and stay up-to-date with the Information Technology market.

Is your company the one? Here’s the target of our Partner Program.

Criticalcase Partner Program is addressed to firms that want to expand their business by providing Cloud services. The Partner Program is designed to IT/ web companies, including:

– System Integrators
– Web Agencies/ Digital & Media Agencies
– Software Houses
– Hosting Resellers
– Small providers

Why become our Partner?

Today we will see the main reasons why you should provide Cloud services to your clients and especially we will talk about why you should choose us as your Technological Partner. There are so many benefits: here we will give you only a little taste of what is Criticalcase Partner Program. In the next post we will see all the advantages in details, stay tuned!

Here’s some benefits of Partner Program:

  • New Business
    Thanks to the partnership with Criticalcase you will have the chance to offer new cutting-edge services to your customers: Cloud solutions, CDN solutions, Managed services and many more. This way, as well as expand your business and increase revenues, you can extend your offer with innovative solutions, by improving customer loyalty and avoiding that they choose a competitor.
  • White Label
    You could provide Cloud services directly with your brand: we will deal with infrastructure management and technical support, but for your clients the official vendor is you!
  • No cost
    If you decide to become our Partner you will have no access cost, just pay once you started to sale Cloud services.
  • Dedicated pricing
    Partner Program ensures a dedicated pricing and a range of customized discounts. Because of the low prices, you will start to gain immediately!
  • Facilitated payments
    In economic terms partnership conditions are very flexible: we offer to our partners the opportunity to make facilitated payments and use revenue sharing billing model.
  • Free development environments
    Staging, development and testing environments are completely free and included in the Cloud offer.
  • Free DEMO
    As well as to our customers, we give to partners the possibility of trying the Cloud solutions through free trials and demo.
  • H24 technical support
    Don’t forget 24x7x365 technical assistance. Possible technical issues will be immediately taken in charge and solved by our staff of experts.



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This year also Santa Claus prefer
e-commerce websites!

This year in Italy e-commerce field has increased: over the half of Christmas purchases will be made online. Data come from the study “Holiday survey” by Deloitte, according to which 57% of expenditure for Christmas presents will be on digital channels, through traditional platforms and mobile devices. Also the Osservatorio e-commerce B2c Netcomm of Politecnico di Milano highlights the increase of online shopping this year: only in November and December Italians spent 6,8 billion of Euros on internet. That quote represents the 25% of annual e-commerce demand and is still growing, with +20% compared to 2017.

But the data that will make us remember 2018 is another one: for the first time online purchases through smartphone (46%) exceed desktop and tablet ones. According to the study, Black Friday and Cyber Monday play an increasingly important role in the online shopping industry (with a quote of over 1 billion of Euros), because they are considered by Italian users great deals.

What reasons drive Italians to buy online rather than in traditional shops?

The Osservatorio e-commerce B2c Netcomm detected the main reasons why users prefer digital channels.

  • Full offer: sections dedicated to Christmas presents, gift packaging including greetings messages, free shipping, possibility of customize products
  • Saving: convenience compared to physical shops because of the several discount campaigns during Christmas time
  • Greater awareness about benefits of e-commerce websites: including the ease of purchase and the access to a wider range of products
  • Growth of digital culture: Italians are more open towards the digital world than in previous years

Don’t forget the essential role of IT infrastructure to manage efficiently traffic peaks typical of Christmas time and avoid downtimes.Do you have an e-commerce site? We can help you to get throught the Christmas time, by ensuring the availability of the service and h 24 proactive support! Find out our high-scalability Cloud hosting solution for e-commerce platforms


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The market of Cloud as-a-service solutions is constantly growing. That is told by Gartner studies and by the Osservatorio Cloud e ICT as a Service of the School of Management of Milan’s Politecnico, that register an amount of 260,2 billion of dollars. They estimate a further increase of these services for the following years and introduce the topic of Everything as a Service as the new era of Cloud solutions. What is that exactly? Let’s see it together in the next paragraphs.

Cloud as-a-service solutions

As we just mentioned, the Cloud Computing scenario offers a range of solutions called as-a-service. Among them, we can identify the main Cloud as-a-service solutions which are very advantageous for companies:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): the Cloud provider supplies an infrastructure with all the necessary resources, which may be freely accessed and managed by the customer
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): is on a higher level of abstraction; the provider offers to the company an “all-inclusive” platform where the client can develop its applications easily and rapidly, without worry about the technical implications related to the underlying infrastructure
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): the first solution came in 1999 by SaaS is a software distribution model in which the provider hosts applications and make them available to customers through the internet. It represents the highest level of abstraction of Cloud Computing

Everything as a Service (XaaS): what is it?

The evolution of Cloud as-a-service solutions is  Everything as a Service, also called XaaS. A recent study of Market Research gives to XaaS a market growth rate of 40% within 2020. XaaS concept shows a change in the IT paradigm, a new era in the Cloud in which each tool, function or system shall be provided as a service. Not just the “classic” solutions like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, but also storage, Disaster Recovery, cyber-security solutions, anything that a business may need at the Information Technology level, must be supply as a service. In short words, with XaaS you pass from selling products to selling their value as services. At a consumer level it is a well-established business model, but in the IT scenario it represents a crucial turning point able to really innovate firms and increase their productivity and efficiency. Indeed, the basis of an as-a-service model is a win-win relationship between provider and customer: companies do not have to bear significant investments at once and providers has the security of long-term contracts.

In parole povere, con XaaS si passa dalla vendita di prodotti alla vendita del loro valore come servizio. A livello consumer è un modello di business ormai consolidato, ma nello scenario IT rappresenta una vera e propria svolta in grado di innovare realmente le aziende e di incrementarne efficienza e produttività. Alla base di un ecosistema a servizi, infatti, c’è una relazione tra fornitore e cliente basata sulla logica win-win per cui le aziende non devono sostenere investimenti significativi in una volta sola e i provider hanno la sicurezza di un contratto a lungo termine.

Features of XaaS

XaaS can be considerd the ultimate Cloud Computing model. Companies that need new IT services or need to scale existent solutions can easily choose the ideal solution for their needs and check its availability according to their specific budget. This new type of Cloud must have three basic features, which are essential and must be integrated with one another:
– Availability of the offer for users
– Declared levels of service
– Monitoring, measuring and debit systems

Nowadays, an increasing number of firms is going towards Multi-Cloud and Hybrid solutions, which provide useful platform to use easily services in XaaS perspective.


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Since last July Google Chrome, the most used browser worldwide (53% of users), reports website without HTTPS protocol as unsafe. Today we will see what it exactly means, what has changed about the web security certificates and how to make a site safe in the eyes of Google and of users.

What is HTTPS protocol?

The HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the protocol for online communication which has the aim to assure the security of users and protect data exchanged through Internet. That is possible using the Transport Layer Security certificate (TLS), that ensures three levels of protection:

  • Encryption: information exchanged between user and websites are encrypted so nobody can intercept data, activities, conversations and take private information.
  • Data integrity: data can not be changed or damaged during the transfer.
  • Authentication: it shows that the user is communicating with the right website. It protects sites from possible cyber-attacks and generates confidence in users.
    As we said above, HTTPS protocol is linked to the possession of a TLS certificate, which has the purpose to assure a secure connection between the user’s browser and the server. The TLS protocol corresponds to an updated version of the old SSL certificate (Secure Socket Layer) and has taken its place as the new certification of security for websites.

Google Chrome 56 and the latest releases

The HTTPS has been introduced for the first time in January 2017 with version 56 of Google Chrome, the first one which reports websites without that protocol as unsafe. That report was through a small label “i” set in the URL bar, but only when the user was entering passwords, banking data or personal information, and the navigation was not blocked on the “unsafe” sites. Release 62 brings other news: the report starts when users enter any kind of data. But is the version 68 of Chrome (July 2018) which makes the difference and the HTTPS protocol becomes no longer an option for Google.

Although it is not a mandatory procedure, all websites without TLS certificate are immediatley reported as unsafe, even without the entering of data by users, and they are penalised in terms of ranking in the Google SERP. From September 2018, with the version 69, change also the way of reporting; the green bar of “safe website” disappears and it’s replaced by a grey lock. The latest version of Chrome (70) highlights in red the “unsafe” words and all the data-entry fields in websites without HTTPS, by raising awareness among users about online security and privacy.


As we just said, since last July HTTPS certification takes on a great resonance, especially if we talk about websites which request sensitive data-entry like e-commerce platforms. Websites that not have HTTPS (so “unsafe” websites) will not be banned and users can keep browsing, but they will be more aware about risks in terms of their security. Indeed, TLS certificate ensures a lot of benefits compared to the old HTTP protocol. IT assures a higher protection of data and a of costumers which use the site. In addition, it reduces the “man-in-the-middle” cyber-attacks and the probability of suffering a sensitive data theft or abuse. Finally, one of the advantages of HTTPS is that affects the website ranking, a thing that can not be underestimated and makes the new Google regulation a requirement more than an option. Web portals with have the old certification are penalised in the Google SERP, so it is obvious that any website which would have success and ensure their users a great user experience must use HTTPS protocol.

HTTP- HTTPS migration

How to make your website safe in the eyes of Google? The first step is surely to purchase a TLS certificate (it replaces the old SSL certificate whose name is still used for force of habit). There are two types of certificates, according to addressee, availability and price. There are also many certified authorities who sell them. Once you have purchased the protocol, you need to install it on the server, which many times is handled by the hosting provider. Took these simple steps, your website will be equipped with HTTPS and will guarantee to Google and to your users a high-level of security.


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The Artificial Intelligence in the service of companies

Monitoring systems are an essential aspect of the IT infrastructure management, because they enable clients to control the functioning, the productivity and optimize processes, but especially they are a crucial tool to prevent blocking issues and react in real time with corrective and efficient actions where a negative event take place. With the evolution of technology, monitoring systems became increasingly complex and advanced, until they come to the monitoring based on Artificial Intelligence. How it differs from the traditional monitoring activities and what are the benefits of that solution? Let’see them now! In the following line we will describe some advantages of the monitoring solution offered by our technological partner, Dynatracethe world leading company in the performance management field.

1. “All-in-one” software
Dynatrace has a great benefit compared to traditional solutions: it includes all the monitoring features in a single software. Real User Monitoring (RUM), Synthetic Monitoring, infrastructure and application monitoring are all integrated in the same tool, simplifying a lot the firms’ life. As well as simple monitoring, Dyatrace is used for the effective management of performances and digital experiences, aiming to provide customers with the highest level of user experiences.
2. Automation
The heart of the platform is made by automation; every single step is automated, including upgrades. Thanks to that, Dynatrace is able to identify any emerging issue and anticipate its impact on the system. All of this will finally result in easier and faster processes and in a great saving of time and costs for the IT department.
3. Artificial Intelligence
What distinguish more Dynatrace from the other monitoring services is that the solution is powered by Artifical Intelligence. With AI the monitoring gets proactive and provides precise real-time insights which help companies in the management of complex systems, otherwise unmanageable. Because of Artificial Intelligence, the monitoring service does not offer only data but actionable answers to best manage mission-critical Cloud infrastructures.
4. Full stack
Dynatrace analyses each component of the system, by offering a 360 degree view of the digital experience. The platform is not just monitoring, it is also able to identify and understand the relationships and interdependences, top to the bottom, which exist in the digital ecosystem.
5. High scalability
Dynatrace is a native-Cloud solution and for that reason it provides a monitoring service with high scalability, availability and security. The platform can easily scale to over 100,000 hosts.
6. Flexible deployment
Dynatrace platform has the maximum flexibility and allows to simplify the deployment process significantly.
7. Enterprise level
A unique role-based access and advanced security measures make Dynatrace an enterprise-quality tool, designed with the aim of being widely used by large firms.
8. Compatible with hybrid Clouds
Dynatrace is a very flexible software, compatible with most of the technologies available on the market.

Do you think that your business needs an advanced monitoring service? Discover more information about Dynatrace solution and reserve now a free consulting with our experts!


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What is a CMS?

Content Management System (CMS) is an application that enables to create websites thanks to an easy-to-use graphical interface. The aim of CMS is to allow developing a quality website even to those who don’t have programming skills. Because of the software users can create, change and manage web contents easily, by using simple controls.

Each CMS, according to its characteristics, has different features that can be customized by users through the installation of particular plug-in or extensions. There are more than 200 types of CMS used for several purposes. The first step to choose the right CMS is to understand what is the aim of the website. Here’s the main areas of application:
 publish articles (blog)
 corporate website
 sell products (e-commerce)
 share contents with other users (community)

Why choose a CMS for your website?

Maybe you are wondering why choose a CMS solution instead of developing a website in the traditional way. A tailored website, that is created from scratch without the help of a Content Management System, requests the work and the experience of a specialist which has deep skills in programming languages like JavaScript, HTML and php. On the contrary, that obstacle is overcome by using a CMS and the creation and management of the website is simplified. Obviously, the level of customization would be higher, but the development of a whole website would take much longer. According to the insights, CMS systems are installed on the 47% of online websites. Indeed, a CMS has several benefits:

  • Easy to use
    CMS have an administration panel with a graphical interface very easy to use, with which you can create the website pages and make changes through an editor that shows you directly the final result.
  • Responsive
    Templates included help to create responsive websites, that are able to adjust to the different devices used (desktop, tablet and mobile).
  • Customization
    CMS, as said before, allows you to make an advanced customization through the download of proper plug-in and extensions. For instance, to integrate methods of payment or create the field for the newsletter’s subscription.
  • Multi-user
    Thanks to that feature you can assign different roles to users accessing the website’s administration panel, with related permissions to edit pages, code etc…
  • Community
    CMS have large communities of reference in which users can easily share comments and tips to improve their website.
  • Ranking
    Each CMS enables to optimize website’s contents and performance to increase the ranking on search engines.

Do you want to know our hosting solution dedicated to CMS? Reserve a free consulting with our experts!


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Are Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity two terms referring to the same service?

In the last post we talked a lot about Disaster Recovery solutions, but probably some of you still has a doubt: what is the difference between Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity? The Disaster Recovery concept is often associated to Business Continuity. What is the link between the two terms? Do they refer to the same service? The answer is no, they are different solutions, but interconnected. Now we’ll see in details the differences between the two solutions.

Disaster Recovery is a service indicating all the technical measures useful to manage a possible disaster which could hit the business information system and which could be generated from different causes: natural disasters as floods or earthquakes, human errors, thefts or hacking. The Disaster Recovery plan firstly lays down what are the critical processes for the company, naming which of them must be better protected and monitored. It defines the RTO and RPO parameters (recovery times and affordable level of data loss) according to the needs of each company and it plans the actions to take for the complete and fast restore of systems, data and applications in the case of accidents.

Business Continuity, instead, relates to a global solution which includes all the procedures and processes that have the purpose of assuring the business operation continuity and avoid the interruption of activities, either they are caused by IT downtimes or other events, as for instance legal accidents or failures due to the lack of the staff. In particular, a Business Continuity plan identifies the procedures to be followed:

-at the strategic level, by finding the processes for a timely and effective management of possible critical events in the future that could threaten the company’s survival
-at the tactical level, how to coordinate actions and referents involved in these activities with the aim of ensuring the operational continuity
-at the operative level, by specifying all the passages to be followed in the case of emergency

The purpose of Business Continuity strategy is to minimize the interruption of activities and its consequent damages, as well as assure the effectiveness of recovery procedures. Each plan of business Continuity is different and high-customized according to the kind of business and its particular requirements.

What is the difference between Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity?

Disaster Recovery solution is linked to technical measures which have the aim of rapidly recover the IT field activities and it is a part of the wider Business Continuity strategy. Indeed, Business Continuity has to assure the firm’s global survival in the case of disasters and it includes not only the protection of IT system but the safeguard of all the business essential functions continuity. The Business Continuity strategy counts all the possible events which could threaten the company’s life and it is useful even with minor interruptions of activities. In addition, it is able to provide an overall strategic vision to increase the resilience of business and the competitiveness on the market.

Do you need more information about Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity? Reserve a free consulting with our experts!


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