


Are you running an online shop? You’re in the right place!

Today we will show you 9 tips to improve your e-commerce site ranking on search engine to increase visibility and online sales. In the online shopping field the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect that you should not ignore. Actually, the success of your shop depends largely on the organic positioning. The SEO activity is complex and involves many different aspects. Today we will see some tips that will help you to improve your website ranking on SERPs and increase online sales.

1. Keywords analysis
The analysis of search keywords is one of the essential part of SEO strategy. Thanks to free online tools, like Keyword Planner by Google Adwords, you can easily identify which are the keyword that are mostly used to find your website. At the same time, you can analyze competitor to find out what are the better keywords on which to focus your SEO strategy.

2. On-site optimization
The on-site optimization is the second step that will help you to improve your e-commerce site ranking. It’s about the content optimization to make it easily and fastly analyzable by search engine robots. The goal is to provide search engine with high-quality content, relevant for your customers as much as possible. On-site SEO includes the optimization of content, headings, tags, metatags, URLs, categories, images and other crucial elements to make your website SEO friendly in the eyes of Google.

3. Improve page loading time
The website loading time is essential for e-commerce platforms. In an increasingly fast and connected world, users won’t wait too long to load your website but they expect rapid and performing shopping sites. If your website is too slow, you will lose many prospects. In addition, a website that has a good loading time affects the bounce rate and offers a better user experience to customers. To achieve this goal you need to optimize website code and the size of other elements, but especially you need an infrastructure able to provide the best performance. With an optimized hosting for e-commerce sites you can speed up your website and get immediate results.

4. Remove duplicate content
Google robots don’t like duplicate content. When they find multiple pages with the same content they penalize the entire website, by lowering its ranking on SERPs. With online shops, where many contents are similar, the trick is to use specific tags (as robot.txt, canonical e nofollow) to help robots to make the correct indexing of your site. Through those techniques you can give instructions about which content has to be analyzed and which not. This way, web pages are not considered as duplicate content and the website won’t be penalized on search engine.

5. Link building
You need to create different sources of traffic towards your store. The more, the better! The link building activity is not simple, but we have some tools which can help us like the corporate blog, social media platforms, guest posts, forums. Many links to your website from external sources considered relevant by Google will improve your e-commerce site ranking.

6. Improve domain authority
How to improve the authority connected to your e-commerce domain? The answer is easy: by creating tailored and high-quality information content for the audience of your site, focused on the most relevant keywords. The domain will get an increasingly greater authority and it will ensure a better positioning for your shop over time.

7. Optimize social media
You should optimize the corporate social channels. First of all, you need to create an online presence for your brand on the most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest. Then, you should use significant keywords in the profile description, images and posts on social media. You can also use related hashtags to increase the visibility of your store both for robots and users.

8. Optimize user experience
Another important activity is testing your website to ensure your customer unparalleled user experience. Identify the weaknesses of your conversion channel and correct them to minimize the bounce rate. The aim is to extend the time spent on your site and increase sales.

9. Continuous monitoring and maintenance
The SEO activity never ends, but requires a regular maintenance. Track your website performance with Google Analytics and other specific tools. Check keywords, landing pages and external sources of traffic to identify changes and points that could be improved. Keep analyzing the total and the single pages volumes of traffic and the most relevant data (like bounce rate) to get a better optimization strategy.


E-commerce site too slow? We can help you! Request now a free consulting about our hosting solutions for e-commerce websites.


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What is Linux?

Just two years and Linux will be 30 years old. It is one of the most important operating system globally, which keeps evolving. First of all, let’s start from the definition of Linux. According to Wikipedia “Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution”. Operating systems have been dominated by Linux for a long time, from Supercomputers to servers, until the age of smartphones and embedded devices. To better understand what may be the future of Linux, we need to have its past known.

History of Linux

Linux was born in 1991 and shortly began the most popular open source operating system worldwide. It got a rapid success on the market, overcoming the giants of technology, even though on those days few firms dominated the industry, including IBM, Apple and Microsoft. Most of its popularity is due to its open source nature, i.e. a “free software”: it’s distributed with a free licence which allows anybody to use, copy and edit it. The entire concept of open source has become one of the more entertaining topic in today’s world.

Linux was successful not only for its large availability, but also because it is based on strong design principles and a solid development model, as well as an extended portability. Originally, Linux was designed for a unique architecture, Intel 386. Today it runs on every machine in order to “write once, run everywhere”. That may be the characteristic of Linux which allows it to remain one of the most used operating system even in the future. Indeed, computing tasks will be demanded to a wide range of different hardware, and the portability will be an essential need for computer systems.

What about the future of Linux?
Today, Linux has millions of users, developers and a growing market. It is very popular for embedded systems (IoT), robotics, industrial automation and it has been also aboard the Shuttle. Linux is the most used operating system also in Cloud Computing and mobile devices fields (here it calls itself “Android”, so nobody notices). It is definitively less popular in the desktop system industry. But which direction will Linux take in the future? Its founder, Linus Torvalds, declares that some developments will involve features to support a wider range of different systems and also using its portability to launch it on new machines. Torvalds talked about the Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) and in general about changes that will engage users space more than kernel one. Well…we’ll see!


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Despite the increasing adoption of Cloud services by firms, IT experts still have concerns about the security of Cloud. 2018 Cloud Security Report by Palo Alto Networks (a leading company of cybersecurity), highlights the spread of that feeling among IT specialists. According to the research, 9 out of 10 professionals declared to be worried about Cloud security, 11% more than the previous year.

Throught that study, Palo Alto managed to identify some popular myths about Cloud security, which contribute to feed false beliefs on the topic. So here we are: 6 Cloud security myths debunked for you!

1. Public Cloud is not safe!
Often managers or security experts don’t understand the concept of shared responsibility typical of Cloud. Cloud migration is seen like a loss of control and there’s no awareness on which are the real types of security offered by Public Cloud. The fact is that Cloud providers invested a lot on their data centers security and are equipped with the latest technologies on the market.

2. Cloud is not the right choice for security, compliance and privacy reasons
How many times have you heard a businessman say something like that? The truth is that mostly you find out that these companies already have data and applications on the Cloud. For instance, CRM solutions such as, or applications such as Microsoft Office 365 or other SaaS solutions, they are all based on the Cloud. It is clear that it’s time to get over this myth.

3. Getting compliance is more difficult with Cloud
One of Cloud Computing benefits is just a greater simplicity to get compliance and data control. Indeed, providers of Cloud services have more tools and methods to measure and check processes. That makes easy to manage data compliance and privacy, which is more complicated when you use a private LAN.

4. The management of Cloud security is like the on-premise one
Here’s another myth that needs to be debunked. Security is easier to manage with Cloud infrastructure than with on-premise environments. With Cloud systems you get high-scalabiity and fast updates. You can’t say the same for on-premise systems.

5. Everything is displayed on internet
We refer again to the myth according to which the data in the Cloud become public and accessible to everyone. Nothing could be more wrong. Probably the word “public” associated to the Cloud creates misunderstandings; well, in this case public means that anyone could use it but companies can choose exactly what they want to host in the Cloud. In addition, providers have different options available to ensure the level of control desired, for instance a Private Cloud. So the exposure level of business data and applications is entirely up to the organization and to the kind of set up and management chosen.

6. You need a new team to manage Cloud security
In the Cloud Security Report 2018, the respondents say that the main obstacle to Cloud migration is the staff expertise and training (56% of answers). The mistake is considering the security staff who worked until now with on-premise infrastructures and physical data centers not able to work in the same way with the Cloud. On the contrary, the right direction is supporting the current staff and building expertise within the company.

Cloud brings innovation and several benefits to organizations, including cost optimization, greater efficiency and scalability, and can’t be put to one side because of false reasons. Also the security is a key issue which can’t be ignored, in fact you need to consider its importance and get informed about the possibilities offered by the Cloud.


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Now Cloud-based services are a common thing in business IT departments. From complex infrastructures to communication platforms and collaborative applications, Cloud systems are gradually replacing on-premise architectures. Despite the global business trends towards Cloud services, the ERP world is making this shift slower. Some studies estimate that 70% of core business applications are still using on-premise systems or colocation services. But the forecast say that Cloud ERP market will achieve $28.8 billion by 2022, with an annual growth rate about 8%. Other researches evaluate that the majority of companies will choose Cloud solutions by 2020. In view of this scenario, is good to look forward and know better the strengths of an essential tool for every business, even more powerful if it is based on Cloud architectures. Yes, we are talking about ERP. First of all, let’s give a definition of ERP and its features. The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a business tool which has the aim to manage and optimize key services of firms on a single integrated platform, from production to development, marketing and sales. Companies really benefit when they have central access to data shared with a single software app and user interface. In addition, Cloud-based ERP expand the benefits of the tool itself with hybrid environments and tailored Cloud-based models.

Now we will see 5 things you need to know about Cloud-based ERP, so that your business can finally benefit from the latest technology on the market!

1. Cloud-based ERP is suitable for all budgets
Often ERP has been associated to enterprise-level companies or even specific industries, but nowadays cost and operational benefits provided by that integrated software platform are more accessible, precisely thanks to Cloud models. From sanitary facilities to financial services, all kinds of business can benefit from Cloud ERP solutions. The chance to share operational resources provide significant cost benefits to all types of firms and i particular, Cloud ERP are for all budgets, including small and medium-sized companies.

2. Cloud-based ERP increases flexibility
Even though the benefits of an integrated approach, ERP systems can also create problematic issues when a business need to change internal processes. Instead of blinding to complex hardware or software infrastructures, many companies are migrating to Cloud, which offers a greater system flexibility. Indeed, Cloud ERP applications are able to ensure a better adaptability to adopt and maintain core activities rapidly and efficiently.

3. Cloud-based ERP promotes scalability
Cloud-based ERP solutions are more scalable than onsite services of the same level. Along with cost benefits, Cloud services help firms to update their goals and commitments in parallel with the growth of business. That represents a substantial benefit for small and medium-sized businesses that haven’t the access to unlimited capitals. Indeed, by avoiding large expenses on hardware and software licenses, the budget can be dedicate to core business services and activities. The ability of scaling resources according to seasonal, operational and market demand turns out to be a great benefit for all firms.

4. Cloud-based ERP improves agility
The ability to operate and adapt rapidly it’s a basic feature of Cloud Computing. Instead of using outdated infrastructures, ERP solutions based on Cloud take advantage of the latest technologies and provide enterprise-level speed and power. In addition, the chance to use IaaSPaaS and SaaS solutions improves the the whole system agility and productivity.

5. Cloud-based ERP ensures security
Cloud-based ERP systems ensure the maximum security, privacy and data protection: whether it’s a cyber-attack, a human error or a natural disaster, with Cloud ERP your data will be always safe and sound. A recent study about global companies says that 94% of businesses thinks their security is improved due to the implementation of Cloud services. Regular backup services are included in ERP solutions, along with specific features for the platform security, like multi-factor authentication, multiple data centers, decentralized infrastructure, hardware maintenance and a complete Disaster Recovery strategy.

In conclusion, we can say that Cloud-based ERP solutions have several benefits, able to enhance the advantages provided by the ERP itself. The trend which is taking companies towards the adoption of Cloud services emphasises once again the need to give up outdated technology in favour of more convenient and up-to-date Cloud systems.


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Surely you’ve heard about Data Breach and you already have an idea about its impact on business. Of course, stories you’ve heard make noise because talk about big corporations and scary numbers. For instance, it is estimated that a data breach cost more than $3 millions to a company.

But we need to be very clear about one thing: 43% of businesses shut down after a significant corporate data loss, both big or small-medium sized company.

Today we want tell you some stories about what means suffering a data loss for a business and how it can happen.

1. Toy Story 2 – (Almost) disaster

Talking about horror stories on relevant data loss, the epic fail of Pixar with “Toy Story 2” is on the top of our list. During the production, a line of code somehow deletes almost 90% of the movie. All Toy Story’s backups were recorded on tapes. But unfortunately, the Pixar didn’t test the system as they should and they notice that backups were broken only when they tried to restore data. Something went wrong with the tapes and all files were lost. The deadline for the release was extremely close and the Company just have a months old version of the file tree.

But the Pixar got lucky. One Company’s employee was working from home and have saved some movie’s copies on his personal computer a few weeks before. This way, the Pixar can restore all data and the movie was saved. Just one human error could cost the Pixar its reputation and an entire movie that eventually went on to gross nearly $500M and an Oscar nomination.

2. The Government is no exception

Stories about data loss are not necessarily outdated. Just a few years ago (2014, to be exact), when Cloud Computing and Disaster Recovery systems were already popular, the State Department of USA showed to the world how bad things could get without a Disaster Recovery plan.

A software patch update crashed the State Department’s Passports and Visa system, affecting over 200.000 travellers worldwide. When the system was down it was impossible to check any passport or Visa. The State Department have made the data backups but the system itself was not protected against that kind of incidents.

3. A short story of failure: Ma.gnolia

Remember when I said that 43% of companies go under after a significant data loss? Well, Ma.gonlia is one of them. Even if you may be don’t remember it, Ma.gnolia was a bookmark sharing website which works pretty good until 2009. Users could bookmark a website for a later view, both publicly and privately, without any need of local save. That means that users can access to their websites from any device. The company suffered a huge data loss which compromise the entire bookmarking system and user accounts. Althought the several expensive attempts to recover all data and save the business, the situation was really bad and Ma.gnolia had to shut down.

Better to be safe than sorry!

Longer your systems are down, more you pay your employees to sit down and wait. In addition, you will bring in less revenue because of the downtime. Data loss can hit any business in any moment, so it’s good to be well-prepared. If you really care about your business and you want to defend it from data loss with the proper Backup & Disaster Recovery measures, we can help you!


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Why use Managed Services to support your business growth?

During the growth stages of any business there’s always a turning point when you need new technologies and processes to support best your company’s development. But which is the first sign of this need that most companies experience? Surely, a strong evidence it is the inability of in-hose IT team to keep pace with the business infrastructure changing. For that reason many firms rely on managed service providers to get a greater support to their business growth through the design of a custom IT solution.

How to find out if your business is ready to choose IT managed services?

Here’s 5 key signs that your business needs to partner with a managed service provider:

1. Downtime, downtime, downtime
The first sign that in-house team can’t manage efficiently the IT system anymore is the frequency of downtimes. They are very expensive in terms of revenues, damage the company reputation and compromise the future of a business. With a managed service provider that kind of thing can’t happen: an expert team would study the best IT strategy for each firm and outages would be drastically reduced.

2. Need a better cost savings
Relying constantly on the internal staff to manage the IT system can be very costly. Often in-house teams don’t have specific skills, experience or simply enough time to dedicate to the IT management, being pretty much focused on the core business growth. Instead, a vendor provides to its customers IT experts who know exactly what kind of infrastructure your business needs and also how to reduce implementation cost.

3. Understaffed teams
When the business is growing it’s difficult to balance hiring budgets among the departments. In situations like that, IT teams can become understaffed and can’t ensure a good work. This issue is easily solved by using a managed service provider which offers a dedicated IT team at lower cost compared to hiring new bodies. In addition, the technical staff provides a 24/7 technical support.

4. Need for more advanced technology and Cloud-based solutions
Outdated software and databases is the grim reality for many businesses. Upgrading to more advanced systems and Cloud solutions can be challenging, especially with understaffed teams. It’s here that managed service providers can help a lot, by ensuring the use of the latest technologies and updated infrastructures and letting the companies free to focus on their business.

5. Better system security
In today’s fast-changing digital landscape, the system security is more important that ever. A managed service provider can offer to firms a great benefit: IT professionals are well-prepared and know deeply the cybersecurity threats and the best security measures. They can help businesses to get a greater security of data and systems and also to implement disaster recovery solutions in case of possible outages or other accidents.

In conclusion, outsource your IT system can provide many benefits to your organization. Rely on managed service providers when early signs of inefficiency develop get significant cost savings and the support of IT experts ensures the best infrastructure management and the high-quality of service for years to come.


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Cloud services: which are the key factors to choose the right solution?

Cloud Computing world is wide and also pretty varied: there are different types of Cloud, as well as different solutions and different ways of providing them too, but overall you should be careful about the Provider and the quality of service you choose. Indeed, among Cloud service providers there are many differences in terms of cost, quality, availability and support, and many more. Before selecting the right Cloud service, or rather, choose the best Cloud provider for your business requirements, you need to know which are the basic factors so you can make the right choice.

Which are the features to be considered when you evaluate a Cloud service? How to choose the best Cloud provider? Here’s some essential parameters to keep in mind when you are choosing the best Cloud service for your business:

Scalability & Flexibility
First of all, a high-level Cloud service has to ensure a high-scalability and enables customers to increase or reduce Cloud resources according to the present needs. A flexible service helps companies to prevent the wastages, save money and assure the best optimization of Cloud environments and the greatest performances.

How to evaluate the many packages on the web, all the same for every business? Surely they don’t represent the ideal solution for who needs a high-quality Cloud service: each online project has unique features and the best Cloud solution is able to fit them perfectly, by guaranteeing a good level of customization for all aspects. This way you are sure that the Cloud solution you are purchasing is the best for your company, because it has been designed just for you and for your business needs.

Availability & SLA
This is a key parameter and it shows the security and trust level you can put on the Cloud vendor. High SLA, or customized SLA, ensure the availability of the service and (almost) no downtimes. This factor affects even more on the choice of the best Cloud service when we talk about complex web projects like high-traffic websites or e-commerce sites, where the availability must reach the highest levels.

Infrastructure & Technology
The infrastructure is very important to ensure the best performances to customers. Next-gen data centers use the latest technology on the market and have high security standards which outdated infrastructure can’t give.

Technical support
A decisive factor is related to the technical assistance. The availability and readiness of staff to give immediate support when technical issues occur makes the difference and determines the provider’s responsibility and professionalism. In addition, the best vendor is able to provide the complete management of the Cloud service when the customers has a lack of time or technical skills. This way the company is free to focus on the development of its core business, sure to rely on experts hands.


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Have you ever heard about Virtual Desktop?

Today we will explain you the meaning of Virtual Desktop and we will show you all the benefits of that technology. Let’s start with a simple definition. Virtual Desktop (also called Cloud Desktopis a virtual machine which can be accessed remotely with any browser. That means that your workstation has a cheap hardware device instead of a traditional personal computer, with the only aim of connecting mouse, screen and keyboard to the remote desktop. Using Virtual Desktop you can access to all your data and applications from any place and at any moment and to work freely you need just an internet connection.

What is the role and which are the benefits of Virtual Desktop?

The virtualization of all Desktop elements makes the Virtual Desktop system more flexible and secure compared to a traditional desktop model. Indeed, Virtual Desktop supports a fuller Disaster Recovery strategy because the data are saved in the data center servers, where the advanced technology of the infrastructure can better protect the information. Virtual Desktop represents an advantageous and functional solution for a company because of many different reasons. Virtual Desktop technology can be customized according to specific business requirements, but in general the key benefits of Virtual Desktop are the following:

    • Mobility and remote access
      One of the main benefits of Virtual Desktop is the chance of access to the workstation from any place and device. Users can work freely from home or during holidays and they can access easily to their data even during job meeting or business trips.
    • Security
      As mentioned in the first lines of the post, Virtual Desktop allows to get a greater security and protection of business data. If a device would be lost, stolen or damaged, it would be easy to restore the workstation data and keep them safe because they are stored in the data center’s server and are readily recoverable. Equally, security configurations would be updated constantly by keeping the workstation aligned with the safety parameters requested.
    • Easy and fast workstation provisioning
      Once you have configured the workstation, it will be simple to use it as a model and distribute it anytime you need a workstation for a new user. As well as savings, you can reduce a lot also the possible errors that can happen during the workstation configuration.
    • Centralized patch management
      Virtual Desktops are all hosted on a server and that enables to manage the patches updates rapidly, without the need of moving from a workstation to another to complete the operations.
    • Optimization
      We should not forget the possibility of optimize the work environment. Virtual Desktop is very useful for temporary projects or staff and ensure a very simple release management compared to the traditional desktop.
    • Unique system to solve issues
      Another benefit of Virtual Desktop? The administration management of the system. Possible emerging issues can be handled easily by acting directly in the data center, without having to correct problems on each individual workstation.

Are you interested in Virtual Desktop solution? Reserve now your free consulting with our specialists!


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8 reasons why every business need to use Cloud Computing services.

In the last post we saw what is Cloud Computing and what kinds of service offers to companies. Nowadays firms can’t do without Cloud Computing technology. There are very few businesses that still are not using Cloud solution and many of them are getting ready to migrate their IT System on more up-to-date infrastructures.

Well, why companies should use Cloud services? Which are Cloud Computing benefits for business?

1. Cost optimization and no initial investment
One of the greatest benefit of Cloud Computing is cost saving. The Cloud allows to use resources, networking and security solutions without infrastructure cost or high initial investments. You can avoid to purchase hardware like storage, switch, hypervisor, backup software programs and more, because all the infrastructure elements are provided by the Cloud vendor.
2. Availability
Cloud resources are available just in time! They can be activated in a few minutes and the infrastructure is available remotely from any place and at any moment. For instance, do you need to deploy a new application or to activate a development environment rapidly? Well, you got it!
3. Productivity
Thanks to Cloud Computing you can optimize costs but also resources, by maximizing the system productivity and effectiveness. Indeed, Cloud enables to reach the highest price-service ratio, even when business needs change.
4. Pay-per-use model
The use of Cloud Computing has a good effect on costs also because of the pay-per-use billing model. With that model, you pay only the resources actually used, resulting in a great cost saving.
5. High-scalability
Cloud allows to avoid dangerous downtimes by offering the highest scalability possible during traffic peaks or fast increase/decrease of computing resources.
6. System security
Cloud infrastructure are designed to ensure to customers the maximum security, by using the latest technologies and tools to protect business data and systems. Security measures include:
– Data Center security
– Backup and Disaster Recovery
– Log & Identity Management
– Management and prevention of threats
7. IT outsourcing
Cloud Computing is the ideal tool to rethink the business structure by giving in outsourcing IT processes. This way the company is free to focus on the growth of its core business, without worrying about infrastructural aspects.
8. Applications
Cloud Computing allows to develop new application solutions thanks to the strong automation of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and the As-a-Service solutions in general. The use of API and turn-key solutions cut down costs and allows to get unparalleled performances and scalability.

Find out more about our Cloud services and request your free consulting with our Cloud experts now!


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Do you have a Qnap/Synology NAS? Now you can keep your data safe in our data centers!

The security of business data is a priority for any business because it can literally save your business. Think about all your customers files in your database or CRM: what would happen if you lost them? Causes are many and different, it could be a malware, an accident, a human error: data loss can happen in any moment and it is more common than you expect. That is why is essential to keep safe the data of your NAS and you should do it right now. We have the best solution for your problems: the new Cloud NAS backup service. Let’s see together how it work and which are the benefits of NAS backup for your business.

Which companies is NAS backup service for?

Are you a System Integrator, a Web Agency or a Software House?
The new Cloud NAS backup service is designed for you and your customers!
The benefits for your business are:
– Easy management of backup system
– Customers loyalty
– Increase of revenues
But not just that…let’s see all the advantages of our new Cloud backup solution.

  • Benefits of our Cloud NAS backup service

    • Central management console
      The new QNAP/Synology NAS backup service provides a central web console to manage the service. The platform allows you to perform rapidly all the management operations like the planning of backups, the change of parameters of job backups, the remote activation of backup an many more features. In addition, it enables to check your backup anytime also via smartphone, thanks to a specific app for iOS and Android mobile systems.
    • Independent management
      NAS backup allows you to manage resources autonomously. Once you’ve purchase the storage, you can assign it as you please and distribute resources available according to your needs. You can also make an upgrade whenever you need it without issues.
    • Simple and fast
      NAS QNAP/Synology backup solution is the best on the market and it ensures the complete security of business data. The configuration of service is very simple and user-friendly, and in a few steps you can begin to back up your data.
    • Multi-destination backup
      Data can be backed up to multiple destinations. In this way you minimize the risk of data loss.
    • Unhackable encryption
      The backup service uses a specific encryption to make files unreadable and unhackable in order to protect data from any possible cyber-attack.

    What are you waiting for? Find out all our backup solutions and reserve your free consulting now!


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