24th-25th of May – NH Venezia Laguna Palace

On Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of May we’ll take part to the fifth edition of Meet Magento Italy in a prestigious location: the NH Laguna Palace Hotel of Venice. Meet Magento Italy is the official Italian event of Magento, the number 1 platform for e-commerce websites worldwide. Participate to that conference mean to take part to one of the most important event in the online sales industry, where technology and business blend into a unique sharing experience. The event has an international approach and the best Magento experts, coming from all over the world, will meet in Venice to offer points of reflection, expertise and successful case studies about the e-commerce world.

In addition to Italy, Meet Magento organizes a number of events in over 40 countries as Brazil, Argentine, Japan, China and United States, with the participation of more than 11.000 attendees, 330 sponsors and 600 speakers. This year Meet Magento Italy, at its fifth edition, will move to the wonderful city of Venice, where are expected over 500 participants.

two days of conference in which speakers came to Venice from America and Europe will share high-level contents, not only on Magento platform but about anything connected to the online purchase experience. You will meet Magento and e-commerce experts, international merchants, IT specialists, retailers and e-commerce services vendors from all over the world, marketing professionals and, obviously, the Magento team. It is the right opportunity to discuss about e-commerce topics and trends and to develop new contacts and business partnerships. You can listen over 350 speeches and keep yourself up to date about all the news of the e-commerce industry. A great chance to expand your network will be the After Show Party on Thursday 24th at the end of the conference, where you can relax in a more informal context and start new collaborations.

This year we will be at Meet Magento Italy in Venice, together with the other sponsors: come by our booth and discover our new Cloud solutions to speed up your e-commerce website.

For more information browse the official Meet Magento Italy 2018 website.


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