Italy is the fourth country in the world for number of users hit by cyber attacks in the past year.
In 2016, our nation was one of the most affected by cyber attacks worldwide, positioning itself in fourth place behind Slovenia, Bulgaria and Armenia, with 29% of users hit by cyber-criminals.
Unfortunately, the visibility of these kind of web attacks is limited to the ones damaging institutions, while there’s almost no mention about what happens to companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Often these cases aren’t reported at all and official data are scarce.

Cyber attacks have a strong impact on companies, that have to face unexpected activities to limit the damage and recover from the crisis. Indeed, enterprises suffer several losses, not only related to turnover, but also to clients, opportunities and revenues lost for more than 20%. Moreover, they have to invest in technology and innovation to improve their defense processes against threats, so they can face efficiently the next possible attack.
Here’s the numbers of cyber attacks in 2015.
What do companies think about cyber attacks?
Italy: 97% of companies think they have a cybersecurity not in line with their needs
69% suffer a relevant attack, but only 28% was detected internally
What is the target of cyber criminals ?
25,2% industries
13,7% non- governmental organizations
8,3% governments
Main threats:
-69% internal attacks
– 65% malware
– 56% defacement (website defaced)
– 55% zero-day (attack through an unknown vulnerability)
As we’ve just seen, in Italy web attacks are more frequent than we expected, and, especially, they are unpredictable. Who suffer the most the ruinous consequences of cyber-criminality are small and medium-sized enterprises, the most defenceless against these kind of threats. Thanks to our Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery plans, you can protect your data using backup solutions and monitor constantly the security of your websites and infrastructures.
If you are interested in Disaster Recovery and you want to discover more click here.
Do you want to protect your business and avoid harmful consequences? Contact us and we will find together the right strategy for your company!
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