13th-14th of April – the biggest tech conference in Italy
Next 13th and 14th of April we will be at Codemotion Rome, the biggest tech conference at Italian level and one of the most popular one in Europe. Codemotion has the aim of connecting IT professionals, tech companies and communities, and includes a network of more than 3.000 developers. This year we will participate at the Rome’s edition that will take place at Engineering Department of Roma Tre University. In addition to several events and conference organized in the main European cities, there’s more in Codemotion: workshops, training days, sharing of tech news.

During the 2 days of conference the speakers will face current issues and they will talk about themes related to technological innovation and development field. The topics of the speeches will be themes like Functional Programming, Reactive Programming, Microservices, VR/AR AI/Machine Learning, Design/UX, Front-end Dev, Blockchain, Software Architectures, Cloud/Serverless, Devops/Container. As any previous edition, there will be high-level speakers from popular tech companies and communities like Samsung, Google, Zalando, Microsoft and many more.
In addition, the Rome’s edition includes the CTO meeting on Friday, 13th: a special call for CIOs, CTOs and IT managers, that can share best practices and ideas related to digital transformation which is now affecting enterprises, startups and institutions.
After attending the Milan’s edition of last year and being satisfied for the event’s success,we decided to renew our sponsorship: you will find us at Codemotion Rome 2018 with a special offer dedicated to the container technology reserved exclusively to Codemotion attendees.
Still not have the ticket? Buy it here and come with us!
For all the information browse Codemotion official website
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