


In this jungle of information we get to walk through everyday, it’s sometimes difficult to find exactly what we need and all these new words and concepts that are thrown out there don’t help the process at all.

Last week we talked about Cloud Server showing how this word is used to refer more to the provider’s features than to the server itself, so you might wonder, what happens if we have the need to manage a larger group of servers with multiple connection as we would do in a physical datacenter? Is that still possible in the cloud? The answer is of course yes, but as you can imagine there are many different ways to do that. Once again there are many different possible solutions out there depending on what the aim of your business is. We are going to give a short overview of the main groups and we will then go more in depth in each one of them in the following posts.

Cloud Computing services: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS

The 3 main categories of cloud computing services

As with a single server, when you combine the word “cloud computing” with a group of servers, you are giving a specific accent to the fact that it is possible to increase or decrease resources on demand and move the servers easily from one host to another one without any outage in case of a hardware failure. Once again what we are doing here is abstracting completely from the physical level and assuming that our provider will take care of this for us. Since we are now talking of multiple servers, it is logical to introduce network and storage components in the picture. While with a single VPS CPU, RAM and DISK are the only dynamic resources needed, when we are using more than one server we will immediately have the need to request on demand network components like switches, vLAN and IP in order to interconnect our servers with firewalls, load balancers and routers choosing each time on which different type of storage we want a server to run.

Depending on how much you want to abstract from these elements, the answer for your need will be different, but in every scenario your provider will play a crucial role, so once again it’s absolutely important to choose the right partner for your business. Let’s introduce the 3 three main categories of cloud computing services pointing out on what level of the stack they are focused.

IAAS – Infrastructure as a Service:
The focus of this type of cloud computing service is the Datacenter level. IaaS providers give their customers access to a virtual datacenter and consequently to all the duties and knowledge that it requires.

PaaS – Platform as a Service:
The focus of this type of cloud computing service is the Application level. It provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run and manage Web applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the underlaying infrastructure. It is abstracting from the datacenter level to the development level.

SaaS – Software as a Service:
The focus of this type of cloud computing service is the Service level. It is a software distribution model in which providers host applications and make them available to customers over the Internet. This is the highest level of abstraction.

We will talk better about each of them in the next articles.


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In the last article we explained what a cloud server is pointing out how important it is that the provider’s infrastructure is good enough to handle your VPS’s needs.

There are different fators you should consider to find the best suited provider. Since the word “cloud” is used everywhere and not always in the right way, you might want to make sure that your cloud server provider is offering all the services you actually need before it gets too late.

Cloud Server: the major factors

Here are some of the major factors you should be caring for:

1- Infrastructure:
What type of infrastructure will your cloud server be running on? How many hosts nodes and what type are they? What type of storage will you have? In case you will need for higher performances, are they able to upgrade your server on a better system? What are the options you have? How many datacenters are there? Where are they located? All these questions might not seem so relevant at the beginning, but will make a huge difference once a hardware failure occurs or when your server will demand more resources becasue your business is growing. Making sure that your provider has the infrastructure able to handle your future needs is absolutely important and even if you don’t know exacly what your future needs will be, it’s importoant to know in advance what are the limits you will be facing choosing this specific vendor.

2- Redundancy and Scalability:
Redundancy basically refers to having a backup resource in place, especially at the datacenter. If the regular power supply fails, generators and UPS systems should be there; if main internet connectivity is interrupted, there should be at least a second carrier always active and able to handle the traffic; if one server is overloaded, other standby server should be there; Make sure to ask your provider for all these information before you sign a contract. Once the damage will happen, it might be too late.

3- Monthly Bandwidth Quota:
Most providers will have an imposed bandwidth on your cloud server and may charge extra for more bandwidth. When you choose a server, make sure you donâ??t have to pay too much for the sufficient amount of bandwidth that you are likely to consume on a regular basis.


4- Managed o unmanaged:
When it comes to cloud server, the whole virtual server is handed over to you. So, there needs to be somebody to look after it, monitor its performance and do all the normal maintenance taks a server requires. Is your provider offering you the option of a managed server? How much will it cost? Even if you are perfectly able to manage your own server, there might always be the need for some help, is this something you will be able to request later on? You should keep this in mind while comparing different plans or vendors before you go ahead with finalizing one for you.

5- Customer Support:
No matter how efficient and feature rich your provider is, some problems arise from nowhere at times. In such situations, you need a handy support team to sort things out. Are they able to provide a 24/7 customer support? Find out about how the support works before you sign a contract. It is always a good idea to get in touch with the support team at least once before a real emergency occurs. In this way you will be absolutely sure to know exactly what to do in case of emergency and wht kind of information you will have to provide in order to receive assitance.

6- Post sales support:
Let’s assume everything else is perfect. You are reciveing the best service on the best infrastructure and your business is growing more and more. What happens when you reach the limit of your Cloud Server, because the demend is so high that one single server is not able to handle it anymore? Do you have enough knowledge to design and request for an architecture able to improve your single server solution? If not is your provider offering any help to guide you thruogh all the possible scenarios and services in order to find the best solution to your specific needs? Once again it might be too late to find that out once the problem is already there. Having a team of experts that are willing to help your business grow understanding what your needs are is often one ot the most important features a priveder should have. It will help you saving money investing it in the right direction.


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Cloud is a word that is used a lot nowadays, but its meaning may still be a bit confusing. In general people tend to use the word “cloud” when they refer to a set of virtual services that can potentially be located in more that one physical place and that can grow infinite.

The aim of this article is to give a better definition of the “cloud server” concept. In order to understand what a cloud server is we must first start giving the definition of a Virtual Private Server or VPS.

Cloud Server: the origin of the Cloud server

A VPS is a server that runs its own copy of an operating system on a hypervisor. A hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) is a software, firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines. A physical server on which a hypervisor is running one or more virtual machines is defined as a host machine. Each virtual machine is called a guest machine or VPS. The hypervisor presents the guest operating systems thanks to a software layer that makes the underlying hardware completly transparent and manages the execution of the guest operating systems. Multiple instances of a variety of operating systems may share the virtualized hardware resources and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install any software that runs on that OS having a complete dedicated environment.

For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software-defined, are able to be much more easily created and configured. This allows VPSs to be priced much lower than an equivalent physical server, but as they share the underlying physical hardware with other virtual servers, performance may be lower, and may depend on the workload of other instances on the same hardware node.

Cloud Server: the definition and the advantages of the Cloud Server

Usually with the word “cloud server” people refer to a VPS giving a specific accent to the fact that it is possible to increase or decrease resourses on demand and move the server easily from one host to another one without any outage in case of a hardware failure. So basically referring to a cloud servers means assuming that the provider of your VPS has enough resources (infrastructure) to handle at any time a request of increase and be able to relocate your VPS in case of a hardware failure on one of the physical nodes. When opting for cloud server, clients are renting virtual server space rather than renting or purchasing physical servers. They are often paid for by the hour depending on the capacity required at any particular time.

This allows clients to get the benefits of a dedicated solution with the price of a shared one. Resource can be scaled up or scaled down accordingly, making it more flexible and, therefore, more cost-effective. When there is more demand placed on the servers, capacity can be automatically increased to match that demand without this needing to be paid for on a permanent basis.

Hereafter yout can find a list of the key benefits of a cloud servers:

  • Flexibility and scalability: extra resource can be accessed as and when required.
  • Cost-effectiveness: whilst being available when needed, clients only pay for what they are using at a particular time.
  • Ease of set up: Cloud servers do not require much initial setup.
  • Reliability: due to the number of available hosts, if there are problems with some, the resource will be shifted to a different host so that clients are unaffected.

Stay tuned to find out what you should look for when you purchase a cloud server and what you should absolutetly avoid. If you need help straight away, contact us and one of our representative will help you choosing the best Cloud Server solution for you needs.


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The content delivery network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the Internet. The goal of a content delivery network is to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance. CDNs serve a large fraction of the Internet content today, including web objects (text, graphics and scripts), downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications (e-commerce, portals), live streaming media, on-demand streaming media, and social networks.

In order to understand what a Content delivery network is and why it might be usefull, we must first get a bit more in depth on how the Internet works. Every one of us is able to surf and download contents easily using smartphones, tables and computer, but where exaclty the web pages and their content are, might still be a mistery for most of the end users. The Internet is basically a network of networks. Imagine each of these networks being composed either of servers hosting contents of specific webpages or collecting end user interested in the content of the webpages. The internet allows those two different networks to communicate and exchange information even if they are on different sides of the planet. It makes all this possible through a series of backbone networks and public network cables that are distributed arount the globe allowing Internet operators to reach each others.

A complex layer of protocols, cables and routers regulate where the traffic from a specific source should reach a destination, but even if this might sound incredible by itself, it is often not enough because not all the connections have the same speed and as you can probably imagine the further you are from a specific network, the longer it will take to access to a specific website depending on how fast the connections between your network and the remote one are. If a request for a specific video needs to go thruough 4 different networks to reach the origin of the content, the speed perceived by the end user is the speed of the slowest of the 4 networks, because no matter how fast the other 3 are, the content will still have to go thruough the slowest one before reaching the final destination.

Keeping this example in mind, it is clear that the faster the connections are and the smallest is the number of networks in between the source and the destination of the content, the better and the faster will the end user’s perception be. A content delivery network tries to give a solution to this problem bringing the contect the closer possible to the end user.

content delivery network is a system of distributed servers (networks) that deliver contents (webpages, videos, images, etc…) to end users based on its geographic location. The advantage of adopting this type of technology is to effective speed the delivery of content of websites with high traffic and websites that have global reach. The closer the CDN server is to the user geographically, the faster the content will be delivered to the user. It is of course a kind of technology that is usefully mainly for companies whose target is not only local, but global. Let’s give a better idea of how a CDN works. A content delivery network copies the content of a website to a network of servers that are distributed at geographically different locations, caching the contents of the page.

When a user requests that specific content, the CDN will redirect the request from the originating site’s server to a server in the content delivery network that is closest to the user and deliver the cached content. This process is transparent to the user and gives him the perception of a better response time of the requested webpage. CDNs are used by organizations to accelerate static content, dynamic content, mobile content, ecommerce transactions, video, voice, games and so on.

If you would like to have more information and you think Akamai CDN could be usefull for your business, do not hesitate and contact us! One of our experts will follow you and advice you to find the best solution for your specific case.


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Unfortunately it is not possible to know with certainty when and if a disaster will hit our company or when it will be necessary to face a difficult period or situations that might affect the continuity of our online business. This is why in every business it is very important to create as soon as possible an effective business continuity plan.

However, Business Continuity goes beyond computer science, in fact, it is affecting the whole functionality and efficiency of a company, including physical and organizational aspects; it is therefore clear how the importance of business continuity planning, through a business continuity plan or BCP, represents one of the key aspects for a company. The lack of a Business Continuity Plan to manage unexpected scenarios would slow the company’s growth and even block the company’s economy for long periods of time.

Business Continuity Plan can be summarized in the sentence: “Prevention is better than cure.”

Now that we have clarified the need, let’s answer some of the questions that might rise from a first research.

What is a business continuity plan?

A Business Continuity Plan or BCP is a global process of primary importance for companies that aims to identify all possible threats and consequently all countermeasures that have to be taken to cope with possible adverse events (disasters, hacker attacks, data theft, etc…).

Where do you start and how do you make a business continuity plan?

There is no standard method or an ideal business continuity plan able to meet all the different needs of different companies. Each company is unique and, for this, requires the development of a specific Business Continuity plan. An important base from which to build an effective business continuity plan is a result of a complex planning process, which includes the identification of the scope and scale of the plan, the understanding of the business areas that it will protect, the identification of critical features and, finally, the creation of an effective plan that allows to perform all operations with minimal influence on the main operation process of the company.

A good business continuity plan, to be considered truly effective, must meet three main criteria: resilience, recovery and contingency.
Resilience: a Business Continuity Plan must provide the right answer to a specific question, absorbing the negative events without interrupting the main service.
Recovery: a BCP should be able to recover everything (data, information, etc..) gone damaged or lost, providing the original state of the process and its full functionality within the shortest time possible.
Contingency: offer a solution to every accidental circumstance. The Business Continuity Plan must provide the ability to survive at any sudden event without interrupting the operation or business growth.


To summarize, a comprehensive plan of business continuity requires a primary analysis, complete and thorough, of the company’s operation process, an understanding of how to recover the full efficiency, the analysis of possible scenarios that might occur and how to face them without interrupting, in any case, the overall business process.

Why Every Business Needs a Business Continuity Plan?

The period of time during a disaster can be long and stressful to deal with without the right preparation, in addition, the unreasonable decisions taken quickly and hastily can worsen the situation and cause further damage to your company. For this reason have a method or rather a pre-planned business continuity plan is a major factor. An adequate plan for business continuity, not only provides the ability to prevent disasters and limit the negative impact, but also offers companies a clearer overall picture of all the main aspects that make up their business.

Do you want an effective business continuity plan for your company?

The studied strategies and activities offered by CriticalCase are able to support and ensure the operation of your business processes and to cope with possible adverse events by ensuring business continuity of each company. Fill out the form you find below to be immediately contacted by one of our representatives who, without obligation, will provide you with the best solution for your specific need.


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One of the most interesting aspects offered by a cloud hosting is definitely freedom.

With Cloud Hosting service you are able to obtain all the advantages of the most web hosting platforms without the commitments and limitations on volumes and terms. The cost, which is another significant aspect of cloud hosting, is highly flexible and perfectly adapted to the needs and requirements of every type of online project. This certainly offers a financial advantage and gives companies more power like transparency of the IT department.

After realizing that the cloud hosting, and all the services connected to it, are the best solution currently offered by the web hosting market, we believe it is now time to find the service, or rather identify the best cloud provider, the ideal supplier, able to provide the safest, economical, convenient and flexible solution that best fits our needs and the demands of our online business.

Cloud Hosting Provider

Here are some suggestions and key-words you have to know before choosing your cloud hosting provider.

Reliability – Flexibility and Scalability:
Do not accept to go for preconfigured and universal packages offered by cloud hosting services. You are unique and you deserve a highly personalized service. When choosing a cloud provider make sure that it is available and that it offers a diverse range of services and solutions that cover all the possible needs of cloud consulting and system support. Make sure you have a Cloud Hosting Provider with best-in-class infrastructure, which has cloud experts and systems engineers with technical expertise and appropriate experience to support and manage an ad hoc infrastructure. Make sure it provides customized hosting services that can perfectly guest your current and future online business. The flexibility of cloud hosting services is the key to ensuring the stability, agility and the highest levels of performance today and tomorrow.

Interoperability – Communication and Exchange:
Interoperability is the ability to operate with each other and exchange information/services with other systems in a more or less complete way with reliability and optimization. The definition of this word is essential to understand what features are necessary for the identification of the right Cloud Hosting Provider. The ideal Cloud Hosting provider must not only possess these requirements, but it must be able to support multi-environment solutions and hybrid architectures to offer and mantain the highest standards of quality and reliability.

SLA – Security and Trust:
When we talk about Cloud hosting or services that require an exchange of information and data through the internet, security and protection are some key aspects. Would you entrust your online business and your future in inexperienced hands, to an obsolete or inadequate infrastructure? We do not think so. The choice of Cloud Hosting Service Provider must definitely go through a careful assessment of the level of security, reliability and experience. To start a solid partnership based on trust and mutual satisfaction, remember to ask for a guaranteed SLA, or a customed SLA that guarantees for your needs.

Workloads – Static, unpredictable and fluctuating:
The demands and needs of IT experts can vary depending on several factors, but the things that everyone sooner or later has to deal with are the server workloads. There are different types of workloads: static, unpredictable and fluctuating workloads; the web hosting provider chosen must be able to handle all types of workloads with the right level of security, resilience and performance, whilst ensuring continuity of service.

Best Cloud Hosting Provider: the choice

With these simple observations and suggestions you can already get a clearer idea of ​​the main features that the cloud hosting provider should have to become your leading cloud hosting provider.

If you are looking for a Cloud Hosting Provider and you would like to have more information, please explore the services and cloud hosting solutions offered by CriticalCase, or fill out the form you find below. You will be contacted by our sales expert.


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Cloud computing is a democratic technology that enhances companies from a technical and financial point of view. That makes it simple and fast and the advantages are numerous.

Companies that decide to exploit the potential offered by cloud computing are now aware that, thanks to remote delivery (online), it is possible to access unlimited hardware and software resources with highly scalable and customizable business models through Pay as you Go.

The choice of Cloud Computing

Migrating from a traditional IT infrastructure to the cloud involves a considerable saving on traditional costs coming from the creation, maintenance and daily management of physical infrastructure. The Cloud is the key that allows you to spend less and get more!

Now in each company, the idea and the concept of Public or Private and Hybrid Cloud has become more and more familiar and the use of Cloud Services with its acronyms, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Maas, Caas XaaS and, have increasingly increased. However, the path that leads a company to make the full transition from a physical infrastructure to the Cloud is an activity that bothers many. The Cloud hasn’t fully convinced some traditional companies which are tied to the obsolete concept of “iron”, to its concreteness and its security.

This is the reason why we find more and more business solutions created to ensure total safety and the success of the migration Cloud among the services offered by the cloud provider.

Migration Cloud for Business


Cloud migration must not only be seen as a service, but as an arterial connected to the future of a company, a fundamental step to ensure continuity of service and operational business processes. Above all it is vital in order to maintain the success of the online business in the present and to run it in future.

Specialists and migration engineers are capable of replicating any current corporate IT structure. They can optimise and lead the cloud migration of any infrastructure with confidence, with a precise and transparent plan. They deal with web hosting, CMS (WordPress, Prestashop, Magento, Drupal, Joomla!), e-commerce applications (web-& Mobile aPPs), e-mail server and heterogeneous storage systems and databases,as well as Cloud migration, dedicated servers and complex physical or hybrid infrastructure.



Just a few days ago here in CriticalCase, I experienced a first direct “migration” of a dedicated server into the Cloud. I was impressed by the speed and technical ability that has accompanied the entire process of handling the transfer. Everything was made without any kind of service interruption. Unbelievable!

When words are not enough and the charm of Cloud technology still doesn’t transform doubts into certainties, numbers and facts take over illustrating the real benefits derived from the choice of a migration to Cloud.

ZERO INVESTMENT (to access the Cloud)::

  • No initial investment.
  • No purchasing or replacement of hardware is necessary.
  • You won’t be required to purchase software licenses.
  • No power supply expenses.
  • No fees for connectivity.
  • No cost of management and maintenance.
  • No IT staff training costs.
  • No extra costs for experts with H24 availability.
  • No fees for infrastructure (cooling, ventilation, etc) because the provider fully covers them

NO TROUBLES (for Cloud Migration):

  • No service interruption.
  • No data loss risks.
  • Redundant backups.
  • Monitoring and reporting activities.
  • Possibility of using services for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity.

Ready to Migrate to the Cloud

Do you want to migrate your hosting and server environment or your own dedicated infrastructure to the Cloud, but you do not know how to proceed or are you afraid of losing your data?

Thanks to the competence and expertise of CriticalCase technicians and systems engineers you will receive help with your server migration, hosting, vps, databases, mail servers, dedicated servers and physical infrastructure. With a clear and reliable planning, we offer Cloud migration services without the risks of service disruption or data loss.

Fill out the form you find below to be immediately contacted by one of our representatives. We will provide you the best migration solution for every service you may ask for.

For further information please check the services and solutions offered by CriticalCase or fill out our form. This way you will be in touch with one of our experts, without any commitment.


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Technology at first place

The business philosophy of CriticalCase mainly focuses on consulting services offered by veterans and experts on this sector thanks to the excellence of its structures. The unstoppable growth of the web and the continuous update of technology requested for a rapid evolution make the infrastructure renewal process a necessary step for any IT Company. And that is what drives us toward continuous improvement, we keep searching solutions and hardwares that maintain our structures at the highest level ever.


Storage HPE 3PAR Full SSD


Today we are delighted to introduce our new “HPE 3PAR Full SSD”, a high-level storage system, which redefines the agility and efficiency standards. It is ideal to support critical applications and Datacenter services or Cloud services (Cloud as a Service ). Our “green” storage system is able to render the infrastructure and data centers management more efficient with significant savings in terms of energy consumption. This will complement and enrich the EqualLogic and Compellent hardwares currently available in the core of our storage architectures – present through 6 European Data Centers.
The modern HPE 3PAR is the future of storage system. It can satisfy any demand, without compromises. That is to say the perfect combination of high scalability and high performance with an efficiency which is generally superior to other models of the same band.

The main features and benefits

Some of the functions of the 3PAR HPE and its advantages:

  • Cluster Architecture: it allows you to provide scalable services on highly reliable conditions.
  • Full Flash SSD: it fully satisfies high performance requests (IOPS).
  • Thin Provisioning: it allows the use of advanced technology based on hardwares.
  • Support on mixed workloads: they constantly ensure a high performance.
  • Support for converged blocks: they enable file serving and automatic configuration, reparations and simplified management.
  • Dynamic Caching designed for flash.
  • Multi-tenancy Security features.

For further information please check the services and solutions offered by CriticalCase or fill out our form. This way you will be in touch with one of our experts, without any commitment.


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Finding the cloud hosting solution or the cloud server that best fits our online business needs isn’t only about numbers and resources.

Surely Ram, Cpu and storage are fundamental aspects of a performant infrastructure able to meet our requests but what actually would represent a real plus is undoubtedly the choice between the type of management of your services, let me say, when it comes to choose between managed on non managed!

Managed or Unmanaged

Your hosting provider basically would give you two options: Unmanaged (or Self-provisioning) solution where you are in charge of managing autonomously your services or you can choose a Fully managed solution where your online business is always cheered by expert hands, you can enjoy a dedicated technical support and your structures are monitored 24/24 everyday of the year.

Both solutions offer pros and cons. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages and choosing one of them may be complex. Anyway, thanks to some simple considerations we can help you determining which choice would be the best for your business.

The questions

Before choosing between unmanaged or managed services you basically have to ask yourself these questions:

  • What does my online business need?
  • Does my budget allow me to create an infrastructure with an advanced hardware and have experts technicians to help me?
  • Are my competencies and abilities able to guarantee a safe and performant management?
  • Have I got an IT infrastructure which is dedicated and able to be present uniquely for the management of the whole system?
  • What are the future objectives and the potential growth of my business online?

Now, after answering these questions, you need to observe the two options “Managed” and “Unmanaged” and analyze them very carefully to figure out what business form is the most appropriate.

Managed Services

Let’s see what a Fully Managed service offers:

  • High availability services, monitoring, assistance and 24/h support.
  • The power of the Cloud without stress, expenses and time needed in case of a self management.
  • The creation of an infrastructure that is perfectly made for the way you do business online.
  • Increased productivity and transparency of the IT department.
  • Infrastructure optimization and its rapid innovation.
  • Full control of your online business without the concern related to the update and security.

Moreover it provides the management and the support of experts and Cloud specialists, dedicate assistance and 24x7x365 monitoring with alerting and reporting, modular approach and highly scalable and adaptable levels of assistance in terms of support and SLA.

Which type of business may need unmanaged or managed solutions?

Autonomous management solution (Unmanaged) is the best choice for companies that:

  • Have an existing internal and dedicated IT team.
  • Want to keep their administrative access and control their architectures.
  • Do not need any support and assistance H24.
  • Can invest on acquisition, management and renewal of expensive hardware and machines.
  • Possess the necessary experience to deal with configuration issues and tuning.

The management of the Cloud services in “Fully Managed Mode” is ideal for a form of business that:

  • Has no deep technical know-how.
  • Needs a full support thanks to a safe and skilled guidance.
  • Has not got an internal solid IT department, which moreover has to be dedicated and capable.
  • Needs dedicated assistance and monitoring on 24x7x365 basis.
  • Needs to create a customized and unique infrastructure that is perfectly suited to particular features.

The economic aspect

A final consideration is the economic aspect. Talking money, the discrepancy between managed and unmanaged services is significant, however, in contrast to what you may believe, the independent operating mode “Unmanaged”, with its initial investment of hardware and specialized people, is by far the most expensive.

We strongly believe that the Fully Managed services represent the ideal solution for companies that made online business to be their primary source of revenue. It represents, as a matter of facts, the solution that can Be adapted to the budget and the level of support and SLA required by your business, with huge economic and technological benefits. That is to enable companies to have easy and immediate access to the latest hardware technologies, safety and experience of specialists in the field, without the expensive investments that an independent management involves.

CriticalCase has been offering hosting and server management services with “Managed” and “Fully Managed” for more than 16 years now. Find out all the all management services or fill out our form in order to discuss about your business needs with one of our experts.


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