Fully managed IT infrastructure for the web platform Leonardo.it, able to support a high number of accesses simultaneously.

Today we talk about Triboo Spa, a digital agency that boasts a unique know-how deriving from success histories of different editors, including HTML group and Brown Editor, that gradually have achieved leadership positions in their reference sectors. Now, the editorial portfolio of Triboo consists of 17 mastheads and more than 250 web sites leased.

Triboo has taken over the web project Leonardo.it, a online magazine for who is interested in his lifestyle and loves fully living his own passions. Leonardo.it offers a wide editorial proposal that enables to reach all the different targets, with detailed contents and a all-around coverage of readers’ interests.

  • The business needs of our client
    The client came to us because of the leonardo.it advertising platform, hosted on the infrastructure of Triboo’s old provider, was generating multiple slowdowns caused by the increasing number of users.
  • The challenge
    For us, the challenge was to design a infrastructure capable to support a high-level of traffic, with the final aim of speeding up the website and improving performances.
  • The solution
    After a careful anlaysis, we have designed and implemented an infrastructural architecture which had precise parameters, able to support a significant amount of accesses to the platform and assuring stable high-level performances.

Technical description

Our collaboration with Triboo started with a preliminary analysis phase, to identify the existing infrastructural issues and understand how to solve them. At first, Triboo though that the troubles was related only to the network but, after a combined analysis, it was found that the issues were linked also to the high number of accesses (I/O) on the infrastructure.
Criticalcase has replicated the client’s infrastructure linked to the multimedia contents of leonardo.it, by endorsing the data storage to one of its SAN based on Dell Compellent, multi-layer storage solution able to distribute data on different types of disks according to the number of I/O. This solution enabled to guarantee constant performance even when the accesses number change, together with the possibility of varying the number of machines used for the provision (both back-end and front-end) in a very dynamic way.

Besides, with the perspective to provide the client with a completely monitored service, Criticalcase proposed a solution which can be use in the modality “as a service”, engineering a delivery content solution distributed on 2 of its 6 datacenters, so as to ensure the geographic redundancy of backend machines.
Criticalcase and Triboo jointly agreed a limit for the computational loading of the machines involved to plan scalability mechanisms, providing the client with an infrastructure which is configured as a Content Delivery service, in which the only 2 indexes to take under control are the storage of the assets and the traffic monthly generated. The underlying systemistic layer is managed, monitored and maintained 24/7 directly by Criticalcase, that shared with the client reports about the functioning of the infrastructure once a month.
Now the platform produces more than 190 TB of traffic/month, provisioning more than 1.5TB of contents hosted locally on our infrastructure.


The collaboration with Triboo & Leonardo.it demonstrates once again our willingness to cure our clients needs in the best way and to help them improve their business, by providing tailored solutions and by working hard to achieve the objectives set.

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