How to asses a Cloud provider and choose the best one?
When a company is searching for a Cloud provider needs to take in consideration some important things to make the right choice. Indeed, a valuable IT partner is able to support the business step by step and not only from a strictly technological perspective, by guaranteeing the best service available.
Among the criteria deemed essential to choose correctly, SLA and assistance are at the forefront. SLA (Service Level Agreement) define the conditions of service which must be respected by the provider towards its customers, for instance the quality of service. Custom SLA next to 100% are considered basic by entrepreneurs for a good service. Technical assistance should be available h24 to cover customer’s needs of support: weekends, holidays or nights, possible downtimes needs to be managed and solved immediately. According to a research done in Italy, there’s another key factor which affects the final decision: the provenance of the Cloud provider. Many firms prefer an Italian company rather than a big corporation.

Why trust an Italian Cloud provider instead of big corporations?
The reasons that propel entrepreneurs to trust more Italian Cloud providers than foreign ones are different. In the following lines we will show you 5 reasons to choose a Cloud provider from Italy:
1. Better regulatory compliance
Some companies has particular needs in terms of regulatory compliance. The need to respect special rules requested by Italian legislation (for instance based on the industry or other criteria) makes an Italian Cloud provider the right choice to ensure the complete compliance.
2. Data security and privacy
According to the same principle, an Italian provider guarantees also a greater data security and gives to the customer the possibility of store them in Italy, by ensuring a higher privacy. Big Cloud providers of international level don’t guarantee the same transparency on business data.
3. Knowledge of the market
Unlike the foreign companies, Italian providers are well wired into the market and know deeply its logic and dynamics. The knowledge of context gives them a higher gear.
4. Assistance in Italian
This feature is often underestimated at decision-making level but instead plays a key role in the choice. Most international vendors provide the technical assistance in English from somewhere across the globe. An Italian provider can guarantee to its customers the support needed from Italy end especially in Italian.
5. Contact with the customer
In addition, Italian Cloud providers can ensure to clients a custom contact, even face-to-face meetings (very unlikely event if you choose to trust foreign providers). Relationships with companies are more direct and less linked to code numbers.
In conclusion
The choice about the Cloud provider it’s affected by many factors and change necessarily depending on the type of business and its specific requirements. But it’s a fact, Italian vendors provide to their customers some benefits that Big Providers can’t do. In this post we have seen some examples, such as the greater security and compliance about business data, but also the service of technical assistance in Italian and the ease of contact with the customers.
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