In the last decade the Cloud played a leading role in the IT scenario, by increasingly contributing to the technological innovation of businesses and the corporate IT transformation. If at the beginning many were skeptical about moving their processes and applications to the Cloud, now the use of Cloud Computing services appears to be a standard. According to the statistics of Osservatorio Cloud Transformation of School of Management of Milan Politecnico, 82% of medium-large enterprises in Italy uses at least a Public Cloud service. The data show that the companies made the Cloud an integral part of their IT strategy: 25% consider it the favourite solution for new projects, 6% even the only choice. But the Cloud has still a lot to give to business. Trends about the new year confirm it widely, by highlighting the technological issues and opportunities of innovation for enterprises connected to the adoption of the latest Cloud solutions.

1. Multi-Cloud approach: 2018 vs 2019
If 2018 was the year when Multi-Cloud become mainstream, 2019 is the year when Multi-Cloud strategies grow. The use of Multi-Cloud approach by firms will be soon a “must have” to get a competitive advantage and being up-to-date with the market. But let’s back up. What does Multi-Cloud mean? That solution doesn’t use just one Cloud model, for instance Public Cloud or private Cloud, but uses different services and eventually different providers, according to the specific business needs. The future is focused on applications and users demand speed and high performances. A standard solution can’t no longer meet those challenges and each company needs its own custom Cloud ecosystem.
2. 80% of processes move to Cloud
As said above, until recently the scepticism about migration of Information Systems to Cloud was very strong. The reasons for it were a lack of confidence about the security of data and processes and the traditional resistance to change. Nowadays, data show that in the following years 80% of business processes will move to the Cloud, but not only that. Studies say that there is another trend connected to the Cloud migration. Indeed, many companies refactoring their on-premise infrastructures to move them easily to Cloud-native environments.
3. Artificial Intelligence in embedded systems
Artificial Intelligence starts to be embedded in all next-gen applications, by improving systems and processes efficiency. Thanks to the large amount of data at our disposal and the growth of Artificial intelligence’s use to analyze them, is estimated that the businesses productivity will be increased a lot. Together with A.I., other emerging technologies are increasingly growing and help to improve the flexibility and efficiency of systems, like machine learning, serverless computing and augmented reality.
4. 70% of IT functions will be automated
In 2019 automation becomes a keyword. 70% of IT functions will be automated as well as the most of customer care activities that will be managed by chatbot and Artifical Intelligence in a total automated way. In addition, 50% of data will be managed with automated processes. Technical staff can do without performing many routine activies, still necessary, as self-patching, tuning, and very soon also activities related to the availability and SLA , and they will have more time for business development.
5. Containers: Kubernetes on the front line
Already in 2018 Containers had a great role in the Cloud world. They are Cloud-native systems which for their specific features will be increasingly popular as enterprise technology. Containers are able to provide high-level performance, flexibility and scalability, greater security and SLA, and they perfectly suit to any kind of environment. Thanks to those peculiarities they are the ideal system to integrate with Multi-Cloud strategies. Among different Container technologies, Kubernetes is on the front line and represents the most popular model of Cloud Containers orchestration and management at global level.
6. New technical skill needed
The trends create a gap between the skill of providers and businesses IT teams and the ones needed to implement the latest strategies and manage Cloud-native architectures. Thus arise the necessity of training technical staff with up-to-date skills and hire new job figures according to the latest market parameters (for instance Cloud security Specialist or Cloud Architect) to shape the companies of the future.
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