We already talked about Content Delivery Network solutions and we saw which are their main benefits. Today we’ll see in details what are the business fields that cannot do without a system of content distribution as CDN to stay on the market and why.
Companies who cannot afford not to use a CDN solution may be grouped into 5 macro-categories:
1. E-commerce websites
2. Services of online booking
3. Live streaming
4. Online gaming
5. Social network

Why these kinds of business need a CDN solution?
First of all, for these companies is crucial that their website is always available and respond instantaneously to users requests. Another factor that affects the necessity of using a CDN solution is the location of the business target: a society that distribute contents on global scale needs high web performance and quality contents. For instance, big fashion e-commerce sell their products all over the world and must be reachable anywhere, as for all the firms that have global targets or users geographically far from their business location. High-level performance, instant access to contents, quality of global scale delivery: a CDN solution allows you to achieve easily all these results. But now let’s see specifically for what sectors of companies the contents distribution is crucial to maintain their business.
Let’s start with e-commerce websites. Speed is essential for online shops: just a second more in the web pages loading means a sharp drop in sales. Customers expect a page load time less than 4 seconds, and if they are not satisfied about their user experience, they will surely abandon your website to complete their orders with a faster competitor, just a click over there. If your core business is an e-commerce website, you can’t do without a CDN. For example, there are fashion e-commerce that increased their conversion rate of 50 % using a AKAMAI CDN solution to distribute their contents online.
The same argument goes for all the online booking services, as travel portals or airlines websites. Nowadays travelers are used to have everything just a click away and they expect fast accesses to travel opportunities and high security guarantees. A slow website discourages users, who don’t complete their purchases and move to other platforms, probably faster and more engaging. All the companies based on online sales, including booking systems, need a CDN to assure high performance, make their websites quickly achievable and improve web experience.
The number of live streaming applications increased every day, as users that request the access to these kind of contents. Streaming service must deliver multimedia contents of high quality, replicable on any device and situation. To improve the target engagement and loyalty, you need to guarantee an instant access to video contents but especially a vision without interruptions. CDN solutions are the best tool to get these results and give your live streaming business a positive turn.
Gaming is another category that needs a very fast data transmission. Users are impatient of play and download updates, and they don’t want to wait. With a CDN solution you can ensure quick access to contents on global scale, as well as a gaming experience of high level on any device.
And finally, social networks: they are used contemporaneously by millions of people all over the world. A distribution network that connects the user to the closest server changes totally the picture. In addition, workloads are distributed in intelligent way in the network, by avoiding central servers overload and possible downtime.
Do you want to know more about our CDN solutions? Reserve a free consulting with our experts!
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