


This week we are dedicated to DevOps topic. Surely you heard about it, but is it just another buzzword in the It world? It’s good to clarify. Especially why DevOps is an innovative model able to change deeply organizations and their productivity. But let’s go stepwise.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is an approach of software development based on communication, collaboration and integration between the development team and the operations one (Dev+Ops), and the name comes from here. DevOps method consists of a synergy between the two departments, developers, who deal with the software creation and code writing, and system engineers, who manage the infrastructural aspects, maintenance and stability of software.

Developers are strictly connected with the market needs and the requirements of clients, and their aim is meet their needs in the best way they can, by developing high-quality products and ensuring fast upgrades. On the other side, operations team is involved in the software deployment stage, after software testing, and they know possible issue emerging after the distribution. Before DevOps approach, these business units worked separately and did not collaborate, except for a communication based on the exchange of a few tickets. Instead, the new method includes a continuous synergy between teams, since the beginning of the project, ensuring better performance and a greater speed in the software development and release. In this way the structure is more agile and performing, and consequently you will have better products and more satisfied customers.

Why DevOps method is so important?

Global economy radically changed with internet and now no organization can afford to not use software programs, whether they are applications or services for customers, whether they are integral part of the organization and used to improve the management of several business fields, like logistic, communication and sales. The current needs of the market are related to more speed in the products release (just think about mobile applications) and a greater precision in the software testing phase.

DevOps method is able to bring an important technological innovation in the companies which decide to use it, by increasing the ability to manage and deploy applications and services to clients. Working together, developers and system engineers know the work carried out each other and they communicate directly, affecting the product design and avoiding several bugs and mistakes. Sometimes these roles are integrated in a unique team which collaborates actively in all the phases of software life-cycle, from development to production, ensuring an efficient result compared to the traditional working method.

In addition, DevOps uses a lot the automation and innovative tools, that help to carry out activities which would require other business units intervention, but especially they can reduce the manual operations needed to release a product. The keyword become Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), crucial processes involved in DevOps method. We cannot forget the technological component that makes possible all of that: virtualization. IT infrastructures move from on-premise technology to Cloud computing and virtualized systems, able to guarantee a previously unimaginable communication and sharing.

Now we know a bit more about DevOps, but not enough: next time we will talk about the benefits of DevOps for your business, stay tuned!


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