


The target of online sales platforms is evolving: social shoppers, hyper reloaded and everywhere shoppers compared.

Last time we revealed the tricks to increase e-commerce conversions, today we will focus on another basic aspect for online sales: the target. What are the typical profiles of Italian online consumers? How they behave during the purchasing process and what are their characteristics?

Data about web platform users come from a research by Nielsen, which has the aim of underline the development and changes in e-commerce Italian consumers, between 2012 and 2015. Clusters have evolved and the consumer behaviour has changed: are you curious to discover what is the Italian identikit who purchase online currently?

E-commerce target is composed of three main categories: Social shoppers, Hyper reloaded and Everywhere shoppers, a newborn consumers cluster. What are the differences among these three kind of users? Let’s see them now!
Social shoppers are losing ground: from 10,7 million in 2012 to 8,7 million in 2015, with a decrease of 18%. On the contrary, Hyper reloaded category has increased a lot (by 62%) starting from 7,7 million to reach 12,5 million of Italians. Everywhere shoppers are the new cluster born in 2015 that counts 1,8 million of people. We saw the numbers, now let’s analyze the specific qualities of each consumer type: age, gender, lifestyle, purchasing method…

Social shoppers:
– 68% are over 45
– 54% are males
– Informed
– Curious, educated people, they take advantage of their free time
– Planned purchase, value for money oriented
– Brand sensitive, but easily influenced by promotions

Hyper reloaded:
– 63% age 20-44
– 55% are males
– technology fans
– Busy social life, he looks for news, emotions and fun
– Structured purchase, smart decision. He looks for specialized and innovative shops
– Willing to spend, especially for innovative things, but sensitive to personalized promotions

Everywhere shoppers:
– 60% age 25-44
– 59% are males
– shopper of the future
– Very busy at the professional level, but he optimizes his time to not give up on anything
– He looks for a high level service, quality and he requests customization
– He buys a lot on e-commerces, strongly empowered by mobile

Now that you know the secrets of your target, what are you waiting for to fit your e-commerce to their qualities and increase online sales volume? 😉

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