Mobile App

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Criticalcase's application hosting service guarantees the best performance as it is built together with the customer, based on the number of users, speed and level of service they want to ensure. Criticalcase allows application hosting and service providers to optimize performance, reliability and security to deliver excellent user experiences, regardless of what device is used.

Criticalcase & Kubify

Criticalcase uses Kubify, the only cloud hosting service in Italy managed through Container Kubernetes, the largest player in the Enterprise infrastructure.

Containers are the most innovative cloud technology on the market and offer maximum service availability, high flexibility and modularity, as well as high-level performance. Kubify is a multidatacenter and hybrid solution that combines the reliability of Azure storage and the computational power of Criticalcase Datacenters to ensure maximum service availability, high performance and a series of additional free services such as development environments and GIT, daily backups, H24 technical support, SLA 99.99% and many others.

One tailored platform

An all-inclusive platform on which to develop your own applications in an agile and secure manner, a fully managed turnkey cloud hosting service and PaaS (Platform as a Service) tailored for web apps that require a high degree of scalability.

Benefits of our services for Mobile App





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