Controlling IT Spend

Our technical support is always at your disposal

20 years of activity and focused on the need to adapt the corporate IT infrastructure of its customers, in order to save money, on the specific needs of business and positioning, as well as on the opportunities of the market over time.

20 years of activity and focused on the need to adapt the corporate IT infrastructure of its customers, in order to save money, on the specific needs of business and positioning, as well as on the opportunities of the market over time.

In the area of cost optimization, choosing to transfer workloads to a managed service:

In addition to traditional cost saving, Criticalcase is able to support its customers in the cost saving activities of public cloud services such as AWS, Azure, Google and in the cost prediction allowing to predict the costs “bill”, even during traffic peaks.

Criticalcase offers transformation strategies to help organizations address their specific costs and strategic challenges by building scalable cost platforms to drive profitable growth customized to the client’s needs, timelines and goals. In addition, Criticalcase’s continuous and highly qualified support is an added value.

The Cloud is one of the pillars of Criticalcase to ensure proper and effective cost management: if set correctly, both at contractual level and at design and operation level, it allows to follow clearly the trend of real costs in relation to the use. From a strictly technological point of view, serverless, containering, autoscaling and generally SaaS and PaaS solutions represent key factors for a correct cost optimization.

Reducing or eliminating expenses

BAT - Best Available Technology

Scalability and Customization


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